User - Activating A Device

Step-by-step guide on how to activate and start using a Plugzio device

Written by Douglas Sim
Updated over a week ago

This article assumes that you have created a Plugzio User account and have a wallet already created (only applicable if the outlet requires payment, free outlets do not require a wallet). If you have not created a user account or a wallet, please follow the User - Registration and/or User - Create A Wallet guide respectively.

Find A Plugzio Device

  • Locate the Plugzio that you want to use

  • Make sure the LED on the device is breathing a cyan (i.e. light blue) color. This means that the device is available for use.

Activate A Plugzio Device

  • Open your browser and navigate to or scan the QR code with your camera app (if it supports QR codes)

  • Log into your Plugzio User account and you will land on the "Plugs" page
    - To manually navigate to the "Plugs" page click the "Plugs" tab on the navigation bar. The navigation bar can be seen on the left of the page.
    - If the navigation bar is not seen click the hamburger icon next to the "Plugzio" logo on the top left of the page

  • Connect or plug your electrical device to the Plugzio device.

  • On the "Activate Plugzio" tile, manually enter the device ID or use your camera to scan the QR code and activate the device. The device ID and QR code can be found in front of the device. For example:

  • When attempting to activate a device, a pop out dialog will appear and will present either:
    - Payment Plan - This is the fee that is required to use the device. Payment plan fees and categories are set by the managers of the outlet. A billing plan may consist of the following categories:
    > Currency - The type of dollar currency the the amounts are in
    > Activation Fee - The amount of money that will be billed upon activating the device
    > Duration Rate - The amount of money that will be billed per hour of using the device
    > Consumption Rate - The amount of money that will be billed per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of consumption
    > Some devices may be set to "Free Use", in this case there is no charge for usage
    - Access Denied - This will appear if you do not have access to the device or if the device is offline. To gain access to the device, contact the device manager.

  • Upon accepting the fees presented on the payment plan, the device will activate and electricity should start flowing. Any on-going or live sessions can be seen on the "Recent Plugs" tile on the same page.
    - Upon successful activation the LED on the device will change to blinking rainbow when it is in use.
    - If you have insufficient funds in your wallet you will be denied access to the device. To add money into your wallet, follow the User - Top Up A Wallet guide.

  • Congratulations! You are now using Plugzio

  • To stop using the Plugzio device, either unplug from the Plugzio device (this will end the session automatically) or deactivate the Plugzio device from the "Dashboard" page.


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