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What data Plugzio collects for management dashboard's services

You can imagine Plugzio Cloud analytical capabilities as your online Power Meter on steroids!

Florian Remi avatar
Written by Florian Remi
Updated over 7 months ago

Public Variables, available to Plugzio Cloud managers:

  1. Voltage (V)

  2. Current (A)

  3. Power (W)

  4. Time of Use

  5. Activation Duration and more session-related details

  6. Revenue

  7. User Email Address (The one that owns a user dashboard)

This video explains the Plugzio Cloud analytical dashboard in more detail:

Private Variables, only accessible by Plugzio Engineers:

  1. Temperature is constantly measured to ensure safety and for analytical purposes.

  2. Network Quality

Need help with anything else? Contact the Plugzio customer care team to have a chat with one of the specialists and discuss your concerns.

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