At PodRoll, we strive to maintain an efficient and effective marketplace for both buyers and sellers. Occasionally, podcasts or access to the sell page may be removed to ensure that our marketplace continues to deliver on high-quality and relevant content. Below, we explain the key reasons why your podcast might have been removed from the sell page or why the sell page might have been removed from your account.
Reasons for Removal
Inactivity in Reviewing Campaigns
What Happened: We require all podcasts listed on the sell page to actively review and engage with campaigns. If your podcast hasn't been active in reviewing campaigns, it may be removed.
Why It Matters: Active engagement ensures that campaigns receive timely feedback and adjustments can be made to improve their performance. This active participation is crucial for maintaining the quality and effectiveness of the marketplace.
Minimum Download Requirement
What Happened: Podcasts must have at least 10,000 downloads per month to remain on the sell page.
Why It Matters: This threshold ensures that campaigns can reach a substantial audience, making the marketplace more attractive to buyers. If your podcast falls below this threshold, it may be removed to maintain marketplace standards. Each podcast must be reviewed and approved by the buyer. This ensures that their time reviewing a podcast results in delivery for their campaigns.
Buyer's Content Review and Approval
What Happened: Buyers need to review and approve each podcast they deliver on. If buyers consistently reject your podcast, it may be removed from the sell page.
Why It Matters: This review process ensures that campaigns are matched with podcasts that align with their content and audience goals. By removing podcasts that are not approved by buyers, we help maintain a high standard of relevance and quality in the marketplace.
How to Prevent Future Removals
Stay Active
Regularly review and engage with the campaigns available on the sell page. Active participation is key to maintaining your podcast's presence on the platform.
Monitor Your Downloads
Ensure that your podcast consistently meets or exceeds the 10,000 downloads per month requirement.
Align with Our Content Guidelines
Understand the types of campaigns and content that buyers are looking for and ensure your podcast aligns with the Content Guidelines.
Re-Listing Your Podcast
If your podcast or access to the sell page has been removed and you believe you can meet the necessary criteria, you can reach out at
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a high-quality marketplace at PodRoll. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.