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How can I add data to Polar with Google Sheets?
How can I add data to Polar with Google Sheets?

Our Google Sheets connector enables you to add custom data directly from a spreadsheet into Polar.

Abby Garland avatar
Written by Abby Garland
Updated over a week ago

With our Google Sheets connector, you can add custom data directly from a spreadsheet into Polar Analytics. As long as the data you'd like to add is tied to a date, you'll be able to use a Google Sheet to pull the data into Polar and view the insights across the app. We've created easy-to-use Google Sheets templates for Custom Reports, Spend, and Expenses data to make the setup process simple for you.

What are some examples of how you could use Google Sheets with Polar?

  • To add sales data from a specific supplier (that is not going through Shopify)

  • To add influencer marketing spend data (for example, you could add a "Campaign" column to the sheet with the influencers' names)

  • To add SMS data that's not connected to Shopify

  • To add subscription data (if you use a tool other than Recharge)

How to add Google Sheets data to Polar:

Step 1: Navigate to your Connectors tab.

Step 2: Scroll down to the "Tools" section and select "Connect to Polar Analytics" under the Google Sheets icon.

Step 3: Connect to your Google Account.

Step 4: Add your pre-filled spreadsheet using the templates below. Important: You'll need to ensure that your import file respects the template formats below and that any dimensions you add are written exactly as they appear in Shopify so they'll match with other dimensions throughout Polar. We don't support data by month, quarter, or year, so you'll also need to ensure that your data is added by day.

  • Custom Report - Use this template for a Custom Report in Google Sheets. Under "What's your report type?" in the connector, select "Custom Report". You can add multiple Custom Google Sheets to your account as separate connectors if you have different data points that you'd like to house in different sheets.

    • When adding dimensions, you should type the same dimension name that Polar uses (if you're using a dimension that already exists in Polar) with a "_" where you see any spaces. For example, Polar has the dimension "Order Id" - if you want to use this in your Google Sheet, you'd need to input "Order_Id". This will enable you to aggregate data from your Google Sheet with other data in the app using the same dimensions.

  • Spend Report - Use this template for a Spend Report in Google Sheets. Under "What's your report type?" in the connector, select "Spend report ". You can only have one Spend Google Sheet connected to Polar at a time.

  • Expenses Report - Use this template for an Expenses Report in Google Sheets. Under "What's your report type?" in the connector, select "Expenses report". You can only have one Expenses Google Sheet connected to Polar at a time.

  • Cost of Products - Use this template for a Cost of Products Report in Google Sheets. Under "What's your report type?" in the connector, select "Cost of products report". You can only have one Cost of Products Google Sheet connected to Polar at a time.

Step 5: Verify the data has been connected.

The data from your GSheet will show up in Polar with your next data sync (which depends on your timezone and sync frequency), after up to 24 hours. At that time, there are a few ways you can verify that your data has been successfully connected.

  • You can navigate back to your Connectors tab and click "Configure" under the Google Sheets icon. If the sheet has been connected and finished importing, it will look like this:

  • You can navigate to Custom Reports to ensure that "Google Sheets" is pulling through as an option for metrics that you can pull into a report.

  • If you've connected a Spend sheet, you can navigate to the Acquisition tab to verify that the dimensions from your Google Sheet are pulling through as options on your tables. Note that marketing spend added to your Google Sheet will be automatically added to blended marketing metrics in Polar (such a Total Marketing Spend).

  • If you've connected an Expenses sheet, you can use a Custom Report to ensure the metrics are pulling through. Note that you can also choose whether you'd like to deduct Google Sheet expenses from Total Sales in your Data Settings.

How to remove or update a Google Sheet in Polar:

If you need to delete a Google Sheet in Polar, you will need to fully delete the existing Google Sheet connector by selecting the trash icon. If you're adding a new Google Sheet, do not simply update the url of an existing sheet - you will need to delete any Google Sheet connectors that are not in use, and re-add your new sheet as a connector from scratch using the steps above.

Important Notes:

  • The Google Sheets connector works exactly like all other connectors, pulling data automatically whenever your data refreshes. When you connect a sheet for the first time, the data will appear at the next refresh.

  • You can only have one date column in your Google Sheet - do not add a separate one. However, you can add multiple lines of data for the same date.

  • You can add multiple Custom Report Google Sheets as separate connectors if you'd like to incorporate multiple data sets.

  • If you don't see data from the Google Sheet after 24 hours:

    • Make sure you have connected the sheet correctly according to the steps above (you can verify this within your Connector tab).

    • Make sure the data has finished importing. If it hasn't, you'll see a message that reads "Your data is being imported".

    • When you look at the reports, make sure you've selected a large enough date range to actually view relevant data.

    • If you've enabled a View, don't forget to add Google Sheets as a data source.

If you still see any errors after you've verified the above, feel free to reach out to us via live chat within the app and we'll be glad to assist.

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