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How can I create monthly targets in Polar?
How can I create monthly targets in Polar?

This article details how you can use a Google Sheet connector to create predicted monthly targets and measure your performance in Polar.

Abby Garland avatar
Written by Abby Garland
Updated over a week ago

The Targets feature in Polar enables you to create static goals for any given metric within your Key Indicator tab, and provide you with a visual insight into how close you are to meeting the Target. This article goes into more detail on how you can leverage Targets within Polar to measure your performance in your Key Indicators dashboard.

Oftentimes, you may want to measure your performance using more flexible month-to-month (or predicted) goals, rather than static goals. In that case, you can leverage a Custom Google Sheet in combination with a Custom Report to measure your performance against a monthly goal.

How to create monthly targets using a Google Sheet:

Step 1. Utilize our Custom Google Sheet template (accessible here) to create your monthly targets. This article provides cohesive step-by-step instructions into how you can set up a Google Sheet connector in Polar.

Step 2. In your Google Sheet, you will only need two columns: Date (formatting exactly as you see below), and a column for your Target. You can update these targets as often as you'd like. If you'd like to add targets for additional metrics, you can add extra columns for them. In the example below, these targets are daily and for Net Sales. If you'd like to create monthly targets, you can simply add data only for the first day of the month.

Step 3. Follow the steps detailed here to connect your Google Sheet to Polar in the Connectors tab.

Step 4. Once your Google Sheet data has loaded to Polar, you can create a Custom Report to pull in the actual metric, as well as your target metric from Google Sheets. In the example below, we're pulling in "Net Sales" and "Target Net Sales".

Step 5. In order to better visualize how close you are to the target, you can create a Custom Metric to measure the difference. You can use the formula below to do so:

(*Your Actual Metric* - *Your Target Metric from Google Sheet*) / *Your Target Metric from Google Sheets*

You can then pull this Custom Metric into you report to easily identify your performance.

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