We automatically reconcile Tax-Free Childcare (TFC), Care-4, Computershare, Edenred, Kiddivouchers and Sodexo/Pluxee payments. Our system will strive to reconcile every payment but you may still see a small number of payments that we were unable to reconcile.
Here are some common reasons why a payment might not have reconciled:
Although the parent reported the payment as complete, the payment was not made
We couldn't find a matching payment amount
We couldn't find a matching parent or child reference despite a matching amount
With childcare voucher payments, we are missing the relevant login details or the login details you provided previously is no longer working
With TFC payments, your bank connection for reconciliation has expired
With TFC standard payments:
The payment was made in separate chunks that add up to the amount owed. For example, a total of £60 should be made and the parent first transferred £20 and then transferred another £40
The parent did not click on the "I've made the payment" button to complete the payment
The parent entered an incorrect child's TFC reference number or did not enter one at all