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How to leave a review after your trip
Updated this week

Leaving a review helps build trust in the Poparide community. You can leave a review for both drivers and passengers on any trip with an approved booking.

A review can include:

  • A star rating or marking a no-show.

  • A public written review (optional).

  • A private note (optional).

  • Feedback to the Poparide team (optional).

You have four days to leave a review after your trip has started. Reviews are only published once both the driver and passenger have submitted theirs, or when the review period ends—whichever comes first.

How the star rating works

The star rating system works on a scale of 1 to 5 stars. This rating is anonymous and not publicly linked to your profile to encourage honest feedback and maintain accountability within the Poparide community.

  • Drivers can rate passengers with a general five-star rating.

  • Passengers can rate drivers on: communication, timeliness, and safety.

Your overall star rating is displayed as an average across your trips and profile, giving other members an idea of your reliability over time.

What to do if there is a no-show

If a driver or passenger doesn’t show up for a trip, you can mark them as a no-show. This helps keep the community informed. For more details on no-shows, check out these articles:

Public review

A public written review allows you to share a comment about your experience with another member. This review is linked to your profile and displayed on the trip and member profiles. Public reviews help members build their reputation within the Poparide community.

More information:

Private note

You also have the option to send a private note during the review process. This written message remains confidential between you and the other member. You can use it to offer constructive feedback, thank someone for a great conversation, or inform them about a lost item.

Feedback to the Poparide team

If you leave a rating lower than five stars or mark a no-show, we encourage you to share feedback with the Poparide team. This feedback is confidential and helps us improve our service or resolve any issues. It’s never shared with other members.

Leaving a review is a small but powerful way to keep the Poparide community safe and enjoyable for everyone.

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