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Deal Tracker for Promoters
Deal Tracker for Promoters

Track whether an offer has been sent, confirmed, or declined and if a contract has been signed.

Rosie Scanga avatar
Written by Rosie Scanga
Updated over a week ago

Prism's deal tracker will help you and your team stay on top of outstanding offers, track contract signature status, and run reports on deals based on their status.

Use statuses like "Draft offer submitted", "Draft offer approved", and "Offer sent" to keep track of where an offer is and follow up with outstanding offers. Once an offer is Confirmed, use statuses to track when a contract is received and fully executed.

This is an add on feature, please contact to purchase and enable Deal Tracking.

Managing Deal Statuses

When a headliner or support deal is added to an event on the Deals tab, it will appear in the Deal Tracker on the Event and in Reports.

Note that deal tracking is only available for Talent events at this time and not Rentals.

Manage Deal Status in an Event

Manage the deal(s) for an event from the Deals tab by Selecting the "Deal Tracker" tab below the Age Limit section.

Manage Deal Status in Reports

Manage ALL of your deals from the Reports icon on the left hand side bar and select "Deals" to access the Deal Tracker.

Open the Filter on the top right corner to filter for certain events, date ranges, venues, or artists. Pull Mutually Agreeable (MAD) events into the Deal Tracker by selecting the Include MAD checkbox (1).

Utilize "Saved Views" (2) to save the report filters for quick access later. Save reports for specific artists, or if data from a certain timeframe needs to be pulled on a recurring basis.

Update the Deal Status

New Deals will start with the Deal Status of "None." Update the Deal Status using the dropdown in the Deal Status column (3) for tracking. When a status is changed, the "Deal Last Updated" column will be updated with a new timestamp.* Preview the Offer or Settlement by clicking the purple Offer or Settlement link or click the three dot menu next to the Offer or Settlement Link (4). You have the ability to add Deal Notes by clicking the "Edit Deal Notes" (5) text next to the deal. Use this to keep internal notes to yourself or your team about the deal or changes that need to be made. To read long notes in the table, hover over the ellipses ( ... ) to see the full text (screenshot below).

*Deal Last Updated time is based on your browser's timezone settings.

Mark the Deal as "Offer Confirmed" and click the pop up at the bottom to Confirm the event from the Deal Tracker.

Use the Filters on the report to filter for Deals by "Event Owner" to filter for events created by certain users.

In Reports, use the Columns button (6) to pull in relevant information to the Deal or event like Venue, Location, Artist deal, and Artist Guarantee. Scroll across the table to view additional columns.

To view an Offer or adjust a deal, click on the Event Name to open the Event in a new tab.

Download the Tracked Deals as a CSV (7) for a report on all of the deals in the timeframe. Note that this will include all headliner AND support deals.

Show Events

Use the Show Events list (8) at the top of the Reports Deal Tracker to see a list of all Events with Deals that are pulling into the report based on the filters. Use the Columns button to adjust which event details and numbers appear in the report, and save these Columns as Column Sets. Use the Download CSV button to download a list of all Events and all data columns.

Pro Tip: Pull in the new "Created Date" and "Event Owner" fields to create a report on Deals created by users recently.

Downloading a list of Events from the Show Events list will give a report of all events with Deals in Prism within the timeframe. Note that this differs from exporting Deals from the Deal Tracker because each row in the Show Events export will be for one Event whereas the deal tracker export will include one row for each Deal (headliner and support).

Configure Deal Statuses

With the latest feature update for the deal tracker, you now have the ability to customize which deal statuses are selectable in the deal tracker. This enhancement allows you to streamline your deal management process by only displaying the statuses that your organization requires.

How to customize deal statuses:

  1. Visit your organization settings: To start configuring your deal statuses, navigate to your organization settings through clicking your initials in the bottom left-hand corner, and clicking 'Settings.'

  2. Access the Configure Deal Status dropdown: In your organization settings, locate the 'Configure Deal Status' dropdown.

  3. Select or deselect deal statuses: Click on the Configure Deal Status dropdown to view the list of available deal statuses. Check or uncheck the relevant deal statuses to enable or disable them in the deal tracker. The changes will be applied automatically in the deal tracker once you confirm your selections.

Tip: If you are unsure about which deal statuses to enable or disable, consult your team leads or management for guidance on the most suitable options for your organization's workflow.

Best Practices:

Before you disable a deal status, it is highly recommended to update any existing deals that currently have the status you wish to disable. This will ensure smooth transitions and prevent any complications in your deal tracker.

  • Filter through all active deals in the deal tracker and identify those with the status you plan to disable.

  • Update the deal status to another relevant status.

  • Once all deals with the soon-to-be-disabled status have been updated, proceed to disable the status in the Configure Deal Status dropdown.

By following these steps, you can choose the deal tracker statuses that fit your organization's needs, making deal management more efficient and tailored to your specific workflows.

If you have any questions, contact!

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