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Agency: Itineraries
Agency: Itineraries

Build custom itineraries for your artist teams in Prism!

Ellie Martin avatar
Written by Ellie Martin
Updated over a week ago

You can generate itineraries in Prism to share logistical information that your artist teams need to know for a show or tour. You have the flexibility to create different versions of the itinerary depending on who you're sharing it with (e.g. financials for the artist team, or no financials for the marketing team).

Create an Itinerary

  1. Navigate to the Artist Roster on the left sidebar of Prism and click on the Artist Name or click on the artist's name from anywhere within Prism.

  2. Click on the Events tab

  3. Click "Generate Itinerary"

  4. Select the events you'd like to include in the itinerary with the checkboxes

  5. Click on the Columns button to adjust which fields are visible on the itinerary. Learn more about using Column Sets in this article.

  6. Click the "Preview Itinerary" button to preview the itinerary PDF

  7. Download a PDF version of the itinerary or send it via email directly from Prism (to Send the itinerary, use the "Share via email" button in the bottom left).

Upcoming Events

The itinerary includes all upcoming Holds and Confirmed shows. Confirmed shows are preselected by default, but you can always edit the shows you want to include after clicking on the "Generate Itinerary" button.

Select Fields

Choose from multiple options on the itinerary including Custom Fields (see below). If any fields are missing information, click on the link to the show in the Event Date column and add the information to the Event.

Include the Production contacts and Marketing contacts on the itinerary by adding contacts with the "Production" or "Marketing" Roles on their contact record to the event. Then select "Production Contact" or "Marketing Contact from the Columns.

Preview Itinerary

Preview the itinerary before sharing it with managers, publicists, etc.

Send Itinerary

Download a PDF version of the itinerary to attach in an existing email thread, or use the Share via Email Toggle below the event table to send it directly from Prism. Use email templates to customize the default subject line and email body.

Include Custom Fields in Itineraries

If there is any custom information that you would like to include in the itinerary that is not already a field or column on the Prism itinerary, you can create a custom field to display that information on the itinerary. Custom fields will allow you to track specific data points on each show. Some examples include Notes, Lodging, Catering.

Custom fields will appear on the Event Settings tab of each event. Visit the three dot menu in the top right corner of the event and then select Event settings. To learn more about creating a custom field check out this article!

Include Custom Fields in the itinerary by selecting them from the Column picker.

If you have any questions, contact!

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