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Agency: Creating Templates
Agency: Creating Templates

How to create Event Templates, Deal Terms & Additional Terms Templates, and Email Templates to speed up your workflow

Rosie Scanga avatar
Written by Rosie Scanga
Updated over a week ago

Use Event Templates and Terms templates to build contracts quickly and make sure that all necessary information is included and consistent in contracts from Prism.

Deal Terms and Additional Terms and Conditions Templates

There are two types of Terms templates that can be added to Contracts:

  1. Deal Terms Templates - These typically include any standard information related to the artist or the deal. For example, standard artist accommodations and production or information for where to send deposit payments may be included in the Deal Terms. These will appear in the middle of the contract, after the Contacts but before the signature lines.

  2. Additional Terms and Conditions Templates - These can be used for any standard legal language that should be included in all contracts. These will appear at the bottom of any contract if added.

We recommend creating templates for contract terms to make sure you are always including the needed information on every contract. Once a template is applied, the details of the terms can still be customized on the particular show as needed.

Creating Terms Templates

Admins or anyone with the "View/Edit Templates" permission on their Role have the ability to create Text Templates.

  1. Go to the icon with your initials in the bottom left corner of Prism and click Settings

  2. Click on the Templates tab and select Text Templates

  3. Click the Create Text Template button in the top right corner

  4. Label the template with a name, choose the Template Type, enter terms into the Text box, format them, and click Save.

Event Templates for Contracts

Event Templates can be used as the backbone for all of your contracts in Prism.

When you apply a template to a new event, some event details will already be set up to speed up the process of building contracts. Your template can be as simple or complex as needed for your use case. Start with some deal basics (i.e. deposit schedules, terms and conditions, and support, ticket scaling, run of show) and build on it as needed down the line.

Creating templates by artist will ensure that all necessary artist-specific information is included on every contract.

Create an Event Template

To access Event Templates, go to your initials in the bottom left corner of Prism, click Settings, then click the Templates tab, then Event Templates. Click "New Template" to create a new template or click the pencil icon next to an existing Template to make edits.

  1. Click on Talent Deals to open the section. Click Create Artist Deal or click the three dot menu on an existing deal and click Edit.

    1. Select Headliner or Support and select a Deal Type to create a basic deal. Remember you can always edit the deal on an individual show but getting the deal set up in the template to start will make this faster.

    2. Add a Deposit. This will ensure that all of your events have a deposit tracked by default.

    3. Turn on the "Contract Due" toggle to automatically set the Contract Due Date for any deal to 30 days from the date that the template is applied.

    4. Scroll to the bottom of the Deal builder and click Edit Deal Terms. Insert a Deal Terms template or add custom terms to the deal terms text box.

    5. Add Additional Terms following the same method.

    6. Save the Terms and then Save the entire deal before moving on to the next section.

2. Click on the Tickets section and build out basic ticket tiers with the green plus button (e.g. Advance, Day of Show). When you apply this template to an event, you'll only need to update the allotment and price!

3. Click on the Contacts section and click "Add Contact to Event Template" to add Manager contacts and any other artist contacts that should be listed on the contract to the template.

4. Click on Run of Show to add some basic Run of Show line items like Door and Set times. You can set the visibility of each item to "All Docs" so it will eventually appear on the contract and artist itinerary. Getting the basics set up in a template will mean you only need to edit the times when you have more details on the show.

5. Click on Fixed Costs and Variable Costs to input show expenses into the template. Some deals may not require costs, but if there's a split point you can add some costs to an event template. Click "New Cost Group" and choose between General, Marketing, Talent, Production to add a new section. Or leave the costs section blank and fill it in as needed depending on the offer.

Apply an Event Template to an Event

From the Calendar

  1. When creating a new event, click the "Create From Template (Optional)" dropdown at the bottom of the hold builder and select which template to apply to your event.

From an Event

  1. Go to the three dot menu in the top right corner of the Event

  2. Hover over "Event Templates"

  3. Select "Apply Event Template"

  4. Select a template from the dropdown menu on the pop up

  5. Select "Import" (Note that you can select which sections of the template you would like to import by using the check boxes)

Save an Event as a Template

You may want to save an existing show as a template to quickly create similar contracts. To do that, click on the 3 dot menu in the top right corner of an Event, hover over "Event Templates", and select "Create Event Template". Type in a name for the template and click Save. This template will now be saved in your Organization Settings and can be applied to new shows.

NOTE: You can also duplicate an event to quickly create similar contracts. Click on the 3 dot menu in the top right corner of an Event and click Duplicate Event.

Email Templates for sending documents

Email Templates allow you to customize the the message and subject line that go out when you send a document via Prism (Send Contract, Send Invoice, Send Itinerary, etc.)

For example if you'd like to include agency payment details so the promoter knows where to send the deposit, you can build that information into the body of an email template and set is as your default "Send Contract" email. Anytime you send a contract via Prism, your agency payment details will pre-populate in the body of the email and you won't have to copy and paste the same information every time.

Contacts and Contact Roles can also be applied to templates to auto-populate recipients.

Click here for more details on Email Templates, including a video and step by step guide.

If you have any questions, contact!

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