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How To Integrate Your Website & Landing Pages with ProLine
How To Integrate Your Website & Landing Pages with ProLine

Connect ProLine to almost any lead source using our Web Leads, Web Forms, or Zapier integrations.

AJ Briley avatar
Written by AJ Briley
Updated this week

Automatically create contacts and projects for new leads from your website, landing pages, or other sources, and add them straight into ProLine campaigns.

This integration can be set up in one of three ways depending on the lead source:

  1. Web Leads (Webhook): Contact Form 7, Gravity Forms, Ninja Forms, Unbounce, and any other web form or landing page tool that supports sending webhooks with customizable parameters. Use the Web Leads integration page to create the webhook.

  2. Web Forms (Embedded Form): If desired, you can create a custom web form through ProLine and embed this directly onto your website. This web form is automatically integrated with your ProLine account. Use the Web Forms integration page to create a web form to embed.

  3. Zapier: If your lead source can't support either of the above two options, you can use our Zapier app to connect your lead source. Zapier is an easy-to-use automation tool that links other software together, even if these platforms don't natively integrate with each other.

Elementor Forms Restriction: Despite having a webhook feature, Elementor Forms does not allow for customization of the parameters used in their webhooks, so you will need to use Zapier to connect Elementor forms to ProLine. You can use the Zapier webhook trigger to catch the webhook from Elementor, then use a "Create or Update Project" action to add to ProLine.

Instructions for Web Leads Integration:

Step 1: Setup New Lead Webhook

Navigate to the Web Leads integration page. Configure a webhook using the Campaign and Assignee dropdowns. You can generate any number of unique webhooks to send leads from different lead sources to different campaigns and stages and assign them to different team members.

Setting a specific campaign for your webhook is optional but recommended. If no campaign is set as part of the webhook, then contacts created via the webhook won't be added to a campaign.

Setting a specific stage for your webhook is optional but recommended. If no stage is set as part of the webhook, then projects created via the webhook will be added to the first stage in the first pipeline in your account.

Setting a specific assignee for your webhook can also be done but is usually not recommended since the users on your account will likely change over time. If no assignee is set as part of the webhook (or the set assignee no longer exists), then contacts added via the webhook will be assigned to the account owner. You can also supplement this by using an "Assign Contact" step in the campaign you are adding contacts to, which also supports round-robin contact assignment.

You can also set a tag for your webhook to help with lead tracking.

Step 2: Add Webhook To Your Lead Source

Once your webhook is ready, navigate to the "webhooks" section of whatever form/software/platform you want to integrate and paste it into the provided field. This will look a bit different for every platform, so here is the documentation for some of the most common ones:

Step 3: Configure Parameters

You can think of webhooks as just website URLs, but instead of sending data (like a regular URL that sends a website to display in your browser), a webhook is set up to receive data. The important thing here is that the data (the "payload") sent to the webhook must be formatted in a specific way for ProLine to make sense of it.

Thankfully, your lead source does most of the payload formatting automatically when you set up the webhook. The only thing you need to worry about is the parameters that your lead source uses to label each piece of data it is sending.

Here are the parameters that ProLine Web Leads webhooks are watching for:






First Name

"John" ProLine automatically trims and capitalizes.

Required if "full_name" isn't used.


Full Name

"John Doe" ProLine automatically detects first and last names and splits them when saving the contact. ProLine automatically trims and capitalizes.

Required if "first_name" isn't used.


Last Name

"Doe" ProLine automatically trims and capitalizes.



Phone Number

"(000) 000-0000" ProLine automatically detects and deciphers any format.






Full Address

"123 W Main St, Suite C, Atlanta, GA 30605"



Street Address

"123 W Main St"




"Suite C"















Desired Service




Desired Service(s)

"Roofing, Siding, Gutters" Must be a list (JSON array) generated by a multi-select input.



Message Subject

"Need Help With My Roof"



Message Body

"Water has started leaking into my garage from the ceiling, so I think I have a roof leak.


Special Instructions for Contact Form 7

We recommend using the CF7 to Webhook plugin to add webhook functionality to Contact Form 7. This plugin isn't the easiest to use, but it is free and highly reliable.

Most lead sources provide an easy way to change the parameters used for each piece of data you're sending. Contact Form 7 with the CF7 to Webhook plugin is a bit different, though, and requires extra love and care to configure. This is because the parameters used for the webhook payload are the field IDs for each input in the form.

In the below code snippet from a Contact Form 7 form, "your-name" is the field id.

[text* your-name class:required "John Smith"]

To make data from this field in the form line up with what ProLine expects, you need to change the id to "full_name" instead, which looks like this:

[text* full_name class:required "John Smith"]

Do this for all fields in the source code for your Contact Form 7 form.

IMPORTANT: The field IDs are also used for passing data from your fields into emails. Update the IDs used in your Contact Form 7 form submission and auto-response email templates to ensure form data continues being sent via email.

IMPORTANT: The CF7 to Webhook plugin will automatically disable sending emails for form submission unless you select "Send CF Mail as Usually." The weird phrasing is how it's written in the plugin settings (All 20,000+ people using it are as confused as you are).

IF FORM FAILS WHEN SUBMITTED: If your contact form 7 form fails when submitted while the ProLine webhook is connected, this is usually a timeout issue. This can be overridden by adding the following code to your functions.php file:

/* Ignore CF7 Webhook Errors if they occur. */
add_filter( 'ctz_trigger_webhook_error_message', '__return_empty_string' );

Inside the WordPress Admin, navigate to Appearance > Theme File Editor > Select "functions.php" from the right-side panel > Scroll to the filters section > Add the above line to the bottom of the list of filters. > Save.

If there is no "filters" section, just add it to the very end of the file.

Step 4: Enable Integration

Your ProLine account won't accept payloads to your Web Leads webhooks unless the Web Lead integration is enabled. So click "Enable Integration" at the bottom of the page to turn the integration on and start accepting new leads from your integrated lead sources.

Instructions for Web Forms Integration:

Step 1: Create a Web Form

Navigate to the Web Forms integration page and add a new form. You can customize the colors and other appearance of the form. You should also customize what campaign and stage the web form will use for new projects it adds.

Step 2: Copy The Web Forms Embed Code

Click the code at the bottom of the form creation area to copy it to the clipboard.

Step 3: Paste Into Custom HTML or Custom Code Section

On your website, add a custom code or custom HTML section to your design. Paste the web form code into this area.

Step 4: Test Form

Use a unique phone number (every time you test) to test the form and submit new projects (Leads) into ProLine.


  1. Make sure that the relevant integration (Web Leads, Web Forms, etc) is enabled in your account. If disabled, leads won't be added to ProLine.

  2. Make sure that the relevant Speed To Lead campaign is enabled. If turned off, it won't run the campaign (send automated messages) for new projects.

  3. Make sure that the integration trigger you are setting up does not conflict with any stage or event triggers. This guide will help you understand this.

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