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Managing Company Campaigns
Managing Company Campaigns

This guide provides comprehensive instructions for managing company campaigns within ProLine.

Ian Butler avatar
Written by Ian Butler
Updated over a week ago

In this guide

How Campaigns Work in ProLine

Campaigns are automated sequences of events like texts, emails, and integration triggers. They’re the notes and bolts of communicating with your leads and customers. Once you’ve created a campaign, you can add it to the stage in a pipeline. Once a project enters the stage, the campaign events will automatically trigger.

Navigating to Campaign Manager

To manage your campaigns, we recommend you use the desktop version of ProLine for ease of navigation and editing. Click on the hamburger menu > Campaigns. It’s between 'Business Reports' and 'Integrations' in the menu.

Managing Existing Campaigns

Once you access the campaign management area, you’ll find campaign folders. They’ll be labeled things like APPT REMINDERS and LEAD REHASH. Think of these folders as different categories or campaign types.

You’ll also notice that your ProLine account comes stocked with default campaign folders. We’ve spent years perfecting these campaigns, so we figured we’d share with them.

  • Click OPEN FOLDER to see what campaigns are inside. From there, you can click on the EDIT CAMPAIGN button on the campaign card. This will open the campaign editor where you can modify steps and triggers.

  • Here you can also delete a campaign by clicking the Trash Can icon on top of the campaign card.

  • To move the campaign to a different folder, hit the Four Arrows icon.

  • You can archive a campaign by moving it to an archived folder.

  • If you want to create a similar campaign, use the Duplicate button to copy an existing campaign, which you can then rename and customize.

Creating and Customizing Campaigns

Creating new campaigns allows you to tailor automated actions to fit specific needs:

  • Click NEW CAMPAIGN within any campaign folder. Choose a name and color, and set up the automation steps as needed.

  • Choose the name, color, and campaign description to identify it in your system.

  • To streamline the creation process, clone an existing campaign and modify it. This is useful for maintaining consistency while making minor adjustments.

  • Click EDIT CAMPAIGN to customize the events and triggers in the campaign.

Pipelines and Stages

Once you’ve created a campaign, add it to a pipeline and stage. Check out our guide to learn about how that works!

Troubleshooting and Support

If you encounter difficulties or have further questions, contact our support team through the chat in the lower corner of your screen. We're here to help you with any issues or concerns.

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