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Miscellaneous FAQs
Fae Narciso avatar
Written by Fae Narciso
Updated over a year ago

How can I get an RTN?

To acquire an RTN or Registro Tributario Nacional in Honduras, individuals must personally submit an application at a Tax Authority (SAR) office within the country. For assistance in obtaining an RTN, it is recommended to engage a local Honduran lawyer, as Próspera does not facilitate RTN issuance. This process is exclusively administered by the Honduran National Government for both individuals and entities.

Can I pause my eResidency / Residency?

It is not feasible to temporarily suspend your eResidency / Residency. Therefore, if you do not intend to utilize it within a year, it is advisable to proceed with residency termination for the interim period. Click on the Chat Bubble on the ePróspera dashboard to speak with a representative and proceed with this course of action.

Will I receive a physical ID card when I register as an eResident / Resident?

Currently, physical ID cards are not provided upon registration with ePróspera. However, you can access your digital ID with a QR code via your Dashboard. You can take a screenshot of this and save it on your phone for convenient use when visiting Próspera.

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