Für Produkte in einer 3PL Umgebung bitte diesem Artikel folgen
Wenn Sie mehrere Produkte manuell in PULPO WMS hochladen möchten, können Sie die CSV-Upload-Funktion verwenden.
Die CSV-Vorlage finden Sie im Bereich Produkte der Web-Anwendung.
Hier finden Sie die Vorlage.
Verwenden Sie zum Upload das exakt gleiche Format wie in der Vorlage und trennen Sie die Werte mit ",".
Hinweis: Sollten Sie Excel verwenden, versichern Sie sich vor dem Upload, dass die CSV Datei im UTF-8 Format abgespeichert ist.
Details zur Upload-Datei:
Column | Field | Name or corresponding field in Frontend | Description | Field required? | Data example | Format |
A | name | Name | Name of the product, it must be short but descriptive | true | Gorgeous Steel Hat 0.1.4 968616 | text, max length 255 |
B | active | Active | Product is active | true | true | true or false |
C | SKU | SKU | The stock-keeping unit, Product reference number | true | HHI626N7 | text, max length 255 |
D | management_type | Management type | Determine the type of product. | true | serial | lot, serial, or none |
E | supplier_product_id | Supplier product id | Reference number that corresponds to the supplier of a product within your ERP (optional, put 1 as default or test) | false | P-1595003526962-32597 | text, max length 255 |
F | description | Description | Detailed Info regarding a product | false | Impedit harum reprehenderit accusamus aut et. | text, max length 255 |
G | purchase_measure_units | Purchase measure unit | Indicates the appearance of a product when it is purchased | true | BOX | text, max length 255 |
H | minimum_purchase_unit | Minimum purcharse unit | Minimum purchase unit (If there is a minimum as multiple that has to be purchased) | true | 1 | integer number greater than 0 |
I | units_per_purchase_package | Units per purchase package | Number of units per package in the purchase (If a product comes in BOX of 12, then when receiving the user has the option to simply receive for example 3 boxes = 36 individuals) | true | 1 | integer number greater than 0 |
J | sales_measure_units | Sales measure unit | Indicates the unit of a product when it is sold | true | UNIT | text, max length 255 |
K | minimum_sales_unit | Minumum sales unit | The minimum unit of sale (If there is a minimum as multiple that has to be sold, for example to not open boxes) | true | 1 | integer number greater than 0 |
L | units_per_sales_package | Units per sales package | Number of units per package for sale | true | 1 | integer number greater than 0 |
M | cost_price | Cost value | The average cost of the Product (optional, put 0 if not used) | true | 1 | decimal number |
N | barcodes | BARCODES | Product barcode, separated by a comma | true | 9795727349723,9795727349724 | list of text separated by comma, max length 255 |
O | attributes | ATTRIBUTES | Extra attributes separated by comma: name1:value1,name2:value2 (optional for advanced functionality) | false | adjective:Fantastic,attribute:Odit sit aliquam voluptatem voluptatibus inventore?,material:Steel,name:Table | List of (text:text) separated by comma |
P | product_categories | TAGS | Product Categorietag code (optional, can be used to define warehousing rules) | true | 1234,Ergonomic,category_a | list of text separated by comma, max length 255 |
Q | height | Height | height in centimeters | false | 1 | decimal number |
R | width | Width | width in centimeters | false | 1 | decimal number |
S | length | Length | depth in centimeters | false | 1 | decimal number |
T | weight | Weight | weight of the product in kilos | true | 2198 | decimal number |
U | volume | Volume | The volume of the product in cubic centimeters | false | 5815 | decimal number |
V | stackable | Stackable | Can the product be stacked (TRUE/FALSE) | false | false | true or false |
W | batch_control | Verify lot/serial in packing | This option serves to activate or deactivate the batch control during the packing process (TRUE/FALSE) | false | false | true or false |
Y | third_party_identifier_number | N/A | Supplier associated with the product (Only identifier number) | true | sometenant_customer_1_id_number | text, max length 255 |
Z | hs_code | HS Code | Product HS code | false | 123456789 | Integer number greater than 0, up to 20 characters |
AA | origin_country | Country of origin | Country of origin | false | Germany | text, max length 255 |