❗️ To receive incoming goods in your warehouse, Products must be first created and registered in PULPO WMS.
Receiving incoming goods in PULPO WMS can be done in different ways:
1. Create a new purchase order using the Web App
Pending and new purchase orders can be managed in the Incoming goods option located on the left side menu of the Web App.
The Incoming goods screen displays three different tabs for managing your purchase orders and incoming products. Select a date from the calendar to filter for a list of purchase orders.
Tabs of the Incoming goods screen:
Incoming goods: Shows the current incoming goods to be received in the warehouse on a given date.
Purchase orders: Shows the active pending orders to be received at the warehouse on a given date.
Print labels: Displays a list of printable labels for the active products in PULPO WMS. This will help the process of tracking and identifying products in your warehouse.
For creating a new incoming order, click on the Purchase orders Tab and then the create "+
" button. The following information is required:
Order Number: Number for tracking and identifying the order
Supplier: Name of the supplier that will deliver the order
Delivery date: Expected delivery date for the incoming order
Notes: Any relevant notes that the PULPO's WMS customer wants the product to have
Add products: From the search bar, type and select any active product registered in PULPO WMS.
❗️ Note: When adding a product, a new dialogue appears with information about the product. The quantity of a product in the new incoming order must be assigned based on the minimum purchased unit (a multiple of this number, e.g. if it is warehoused in packages of 5 individual units, this number can be 5, 10, 15, etc) defined in the create/edit products article.
💡 PULPO-TIP: Only assign an integer multiple of the "minimum unit" defined in the product's creation different than "1" if it is really necessary, because if you set the "minimum unit" but you want to receive an individual product, for example, because one product inside a box was damaged, you might not be able to do so.
If you define a number in "Units per Package" your employees will be able to put in amounts of packages and assist them to not have to multiply the numbers in their heads.
After creating new incoming orders, these can be seen in the Purchase orders tab by filtering the desired date. Purchase orders selected from the list will be displayed on the right side with detailed information such as purchase order number, products and quantities ordered, warehouse, delivery date, and supplier.
2. Editing purchase orders
PULPO WMS users can edit purchase orders as long as they are in the state “Queue”.
While editing the order, the user is allowed to:
edit order number
add and remove items
edit quantities of items
change the warehouse to another warehouse
change delivery date
edit notes
Warehouse movement orders cannot be edited.
The following controls are used to edit the purchase order or change the warehouse.
3. Synchronize incoming orders from third-party systems
Incoming orders can be synchronized from third-party systems (see the process for integrating and setting up third-party systems in PULPO WMS). In this case, detailed information regarding purchase orders will appear in the corresponding window and can be filtered by date.
After synchronizing purchase orders, you are ready to move on to the next tasks.
4. Uploading incoming orders from CSV file
It is also possible to upload a CSV containing purchase order information.
All fields need to contain values. It is important to keep in mind that the PO Number needs to be unique every time you upload it, so if you want to create an additional PO to upload you would need to change the PO Number in the attached example file.
❗️ If there are unwanted tabs or line breaks in the CSV file, PULPO WMS will not be able to accept them.
More information on CSV uploads can be found in this article.
5.Upload attachments for incoming goods
In Pulpo WMS we have the option of attaching files to the goods receipt.
We do this very simply by
Click on Goods receipt
Select the pending goods receipts
Choose the purchase order where you want to attach something
Click on Attachments
Upload the files