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Billbee Shipping Labels

Fetch shipping labels from Billbee to PULPO

Written by Johannes
Updated over a week ago

If shipping service providers are connected in Billbee and each sales order has a shipping product stored, shipping labels can be requested via an integration directly from PULPO WMS in the packing process.


Interface management activated.

Access data type Billbee and type PULPO stored in integrations.

Setup Integration

We create a new integration under Admin > Integrations > Integration Configuration via the orange + symbol

  1. The name can be freely selected

  2. Type: Generate shipping label

  3. Access data source system type pulpo

  4. Access data target system Type billbee


This completes the setup.

When a packing task is completed, PULPO WMS from then on requests a shipping label for the shipping type stored in the sales order. The label can be printed directly at the packing station and called up via the WebApp in the completed packing order > BOXES.

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