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POS Integration

Import POS sales to align PULPO WMS stocks automatically

Johann Sonnenberger avatar
Written by Johann Sonnenberger
Updated over 6 months ago

When selling products from our PULPO WMS warehouse through the Shopify POS App, Shopify reduces the stocks in the respective Shopify location. To align those stock differences in PULPO WMS, we automatically import the sales orders and reduce the respective quantities in PULPO WMS.


The integration imports periodically Shopify POS transactions into PULPO WMS as common outgoing orders. Those orders will have the status "ended" and a virtual picking and packing task attached. The customer data are filled with preselected values by the integration.
POS integration withdraws the sold products automatically from the shop-type positions. If the shop positions are unavailable or there is no stock, POS integration will use the stock from cross-docking or storage positions closest to packing positions.

If one or more products are out of stock in PULPO WMS, the transaction is ignored and not imported. The integration logs will show a warning.

Each virtual stock movement can be seen in the PULPO WMS stock history.

All orders are filled with the same customer data chosen in the integration setup and will be picked, packed and shipped out automatically.

Setup Presets

The integration credentials for the PULPO API and Shopify are set up

The integration configuration for Shopify products is set up

Setup Integration Configuration

Create a new integration in
Administration -> Integrations -> Tab INTEGRATION CONFIGURATION over the orange +Button:

  1. Name the Integration

  2. Choose the Integration type "Sales orders POS external"

  3. Origin credentials (Type: shopify)

  4. Target credentials (Type: pulpo)

  5. Choose a customer
    ❗️ NOTE: PULPO needs a customer with shipping address

  6. Set the frequency for automatic data transfer

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