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Create automated replenishment rules
Create automated replenishment rules

This article describes how replenishment tasks can be automated with PULPO WMS

Johann Sonnenberger avatar
Written by Johann Sonnenberger
Updated over 12 months ago

To ensure sufficient stock on certain positions (e.g. positions used for picking) it can be helpful to create automated replenishment rules.

An automated replenishment rule will create a movement task in PULPO WMS once the stock level in the target position goes below a certain level.

Note: Thresholds for products are only validated if a picking/packing task is executed. I.e. the replenishment will be triggered by such actions and is not triggered by the creation of the rule itself or based on regular time intervals.

Replenishment rules are created under the menu item Automation in the web app:

To create the automatic replenishment:

  1. Make sure the source positions for the replenishments are flagged with a tag, e.g. volume. Then select the same tag in the field Select tags of source position.

  2. Make sure the destination position doesn't have a Volume flag activated.

  3. Select the position that should be replenished, i.e. the target position

  4. Select which product should be replenished

  5. Define the minimum threshold

  6. Define maximum threshold

  7. Set a name for the rule

  8. Define how quantities should be handled.

    1. Replenishment can be exactly to the threshold or

    2. Rounded up to always move a full packing unit of the product or

    3. Rounded down to always move a full packing unit of the product.

Once the threshold is reached, PULPO WMS will automatically create a movement task that can be processed in the PULPO WMS Android App. This article describes how movement tasks are processed.

Merging of automated replenishments

PULPO WMS allows the merging of replenishment tasks with the same destination position to avoid completing multiple replenishments to the same position.

To activate the setting, open Settings -> Incoming and activate the setting Merge auto-replenishment tasks with the same destination location.

After activation, all replenishments with the same destination position will be merged into a single task until the maximum number of items or SKUs or the maximum total product volume for a single merged auto-replenishment selected by the user is reached. Once the top limit is reached, a different task will be used as a base for merging.

Replenishment route calculation rules

  • As a general behavior, PULPO sorts the position as follows:

    • by expiration date if exists

    • then by zone priority if exits (this also applies for none- and serial-type products)

    • then by location priority if exists (this also applies for none- and serial-type products)

  • When the product to be replenished is a lot-type product:

    • PULPO WMS checks all the positions with a tag set up for auto-replenishment for the lot with the nearest expiration date and builds the route to this position.

    • If several positions within the warehouse have required tags and contain lots with a similar expiration date, the one from the zone with the highest priority is taken.

    • If several positions contain lots with similar expiration dates in the same zone, PULPO WMS suggests the location closest to the destination position from this zone first.

    • If there are not enough products in the first suggested position to make a replenishment, the PULPO WMS builds a route containing the list of positions with the user-defined tag based on the expiration dates of the products. The user must be able to pick up max possible quantity within the defined threshold.

    • If there are not enough products in all the tagged positions to fulfill the task, the PULPO WMS is to create a route to pick up the max possible quantity within the defined threshold.

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