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Shopify multiple warehouses

This Article describes how Pulpo works with multiple warehouses in Shopify

Written by Victor Daniel
Updated over a week ago

If there are multiple Warehouses in a Shopify Customers Account, PULPO WMS will take the orders where the names are matching with the Warehouse in PULPO WMS, and it will just transfer the orders affecting that warehouse.
For example, the account has 3 different warehouses with the names Paris, Berlin, and Madrid.
If we name the Warehouse in PULPO Berlin, it will only receive the orders related to the Berlin warehouse on Shopify.
The orders will be looking a bit different than usual as they are split.
The order will be imported in multiple sub-orders (1 PULPO WMS sales order per fulfillment in Shopify)

Suborders are split between different warehouses since in Shopify there is always 1 fulfillment per warehouse.

The order_num is taken from the head sales order (since fulfillments do not receive their own order_num) and is counted up after an underscore. So order 4711 splits in 3 warehouses would be imported to three different warehouses as




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