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All CollectionsPast ReleasesMarch 2019
Instagram Hashtag tracking returns!
Instagram Hashtag tracking returns!


Linda Maruta avatar
Written by Linda Maruta
Updated over a week ago

We are pleased to announce the return of Instagram hashtag tracking to Pulsar TRAC: this means you can now again collect Instagram hashtags in your Topic searches on TRAC.

How do I access Instagram data?

Go to your existing Topic searches and select edit in the summary section, and enable the Instagram data source as shown below:

After clicking on Save and Continue you'll be prompted to edit the Topics Step of your Search as shown below, so you can enter your hashtags. 

Here you will be provided with 2 Instagram options:

  1. Collect Instagram Hashtags

  2. Collect Instagram Tagged Media

Please note:

  • Regardless of the option you select, you will be required to add an Instagram Profile Business token. 

  • And in general, be it CORE or TRAC, to collect any type of Instagram data on Pulsar, you will always need to add some Business Profile tokens first. 

What data will I get?

  • With the new Instagram hashtags data source, you can collect Instagram images and videos. 

  • For each post, you will get the number of Likes and the number of Comments that post has generated. Read More on Instagram Engagements. 

  • We also provide the permanent link to the post on Instagram. 

  • For high volume hashtags in the millions of posts per day (for instance, #OOTD – outfit of the day), you will only be able to collect posts that have generated the highest amount of comments & likes, not all posts. 

What data is NOT available? 

  • Personally identifiable information such as the author username and profile avatar.

  • Gender information.

  • Post location information 

  • Comments text 

  • Author bio data 

  • Instagram Stories are not supported. 

Anything else I need to know?

One very important caveat

  • For every Business Profile you add to Pulsar, you will only be able to collect 30 unique hashtags within a 7 day rolling period.

  •  After the 7 day window, you can delete, or edit your hashtags, but for any given 7 day window, you can only ever have a total of 30 unique hashtags running per business profile. 

  • To collect more than 30 hashtags across your team, you will need multiple business profiles and to generate new tokens with those profiles. 

  • By selecting Add Token during your search setup, we'll automatically pull in all the Instagram business profiles you have access to, thereby allowing you to collect more than 30 hashtags. 

  • Just make sure you are definitely logged into the Facebook account that has access to the Facebook Business Manager containing the Instagram business profiles you want to use. By so doing, you will get an additional 30 hashtags, and so forth.  

Confused? No worries, we've got you covered! Read our FAQs below. 

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