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Pulsar API


Updated over a year ago

An API, or Application Programming Interface serves as a platform for web applications to interact and share information with other applications. It’s the driving force behind virtually all social platforms and APIs power digital marketing channels and the apps we use today.

To help visualize this concept, imagine an API as the middleman between a programmer and an application. This middleman accepts requests and if that request is allowed, returns the data. The middleman also informs programmers about everything they can request, exactly how to ask for it, and how to receive it.

The Pulsar GraphQL API provides programmatic access to read and update Pulsar's data using a set of GraphQL API methods. This allows developers to access some types of data from Pulsar, and then use that data to leverage their own web applications. 

  • For example they can use the Pulsar API to build an app that displays or visualises a campaign's aggregated results or performance scores, like sentiment, impressions or visibility.

  • Results from these searches would have been first collected and indexed on Pulsar as normal, and then by using a set of available methods, a developer can retrieve specific metrics from those search results.

  • Each time an API user makes an API request they need to specify their Authorization Token in their API call, (see below).

  • Should you be granted access to the Pulsar API, your Account Manager will issue you with your API token. 

  • Data from the Pulsar API is always delivered in JSON format.

  • Currently the maximum results per page is set to 100, and a next token is available for paginated results. 

  • There is a rate limit of 5 requests per second. 

Prior to requesting Pulsar API access, it's important to note the following:

  • We can't support use cases where you intend to use the Pulsar API for realtime data streaming into their own web application.

  • We do not support use cases where you intend to collect and display Pulsar data in it's raw format. 

  • Some API fields are masked, so that we remain compliant with our data providers' developer policies.

  • Before we give users access to the API, the Product team has to approve each use case.

  • Further information about our API and documentation can be found under Resources in the top right corner near your user name. 

Our API Documentation can be found here! If you were using the old REST API, you will want to check this out to update your calls before we officially sunset the old endpoints.

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