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TRAC: Export - Column Definitions

This article explains the different columns in an XLS export.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

Learning outcomes

  • You will know how to export data into an xls spreadsheet in TRAC.

  • You will better understand what the different columns mean in the xls export.

Data collected from Pulsar TRAC can be downloaded into an xls export directly the Results section which is located under the Feed tab. Simply click on the export button and this will begin the exporting process.

Once the export has been completed, you can click on the Download button and the export will be in your downloads folder on your device.

The excel files we provide contain numerous data fields such as the author name, date published, author bio, gender, location, engagements, etc.

🚨 Important: The maximum amount of rows you can export to excel from our Results tab is 200K rows.

The Excel Columns include the following data fields:

  • ID - This is the ID of the post as saved on the Pulsar index, so that we can locate it in our Database

  • Search - The search's unique identification number.

  • Source - The data source of the post i.e. X, Instagram, Facebook etc.

  • Application - The application that was used to create the post e.g X for iPhone, Bot Libre! , Curious Cat

  • Title - The title of the post (this is available for Blogs, News, and Forums)

  • Content - The main body or text in the post

  • Date - The date the post or article was published

  • Parent - This is another unique identifier, which helps us to tell if this is a retweet or an original post, and from what source. Where parent = 0, then this is an original post. Where parent is a string of numbers, then this a retweet, and the string of numbers points to the original tweet.

  • Language - The language the post was written in

  • URL - The direct URL to the post on the web

  • Domain - The website where the post was published

  • Topics - The main topics that have been extracted from the post using our Natural Language Understanding.

  • Image Tags - The main image concepts that have been identified in an image found in the post, using our Image Recognition analysis.

  • Tags - User generated tags, i.e. tags that have been manually created and assigned to the post by a Pulsar user.

  • Sentiment - The sentiment score that has been assigned to the post, showing how negative or positive the post is.

  • Sentiment class - The sentiment type that has been assigned to the post (as a result of the sentiment score above). Can be negative, positive or neutral.

  • Sentiment by - Shows whether Sentiment has been provided by our Natural Language Processing (IBM), or has been manually assigned by a Pulsar user.

  • Main Emotion - The dominant emotion that has been detected in the post.

  • Emotions - An array of the top 5 Emotions that we can detect, with a score attached to each Emotion type.

  • Visibility - The visibility score that has been assigned to the post, which measures the impact of the post.

  • Potential Impressions - Also known as PEI, and estimates the maximum potential number of times the post has appeared in a timeline, or has been exposed to people. has appeared in a timeline or feed to be viewed.

  • Actual Impressions - Also known as AEI, and estimates the actual number of times the post has been delivered to a timeline.

  • City - The city location of the author of the post, at the time of posting.

  • Country - The country location of the author of the post, at the time of posting

  • Latitude & Longitude - The geographic location coordinates of the author of the post, at the time of posting

  • User City - The location by city, of the author of the post based on their profile info.

  • User Country - The location by country, of the author of the post based on their profile info.

  • User Latitude & Longitude - The geographic location coordinates of the author of the post based on their profile info.

  • No. of followers - The number of followers the author of the post has on X.

  • No. of friends - The number of people who the author of the post follows on X.

  • Gender - Whether the author of the post is male or female, based on their real name.

  • Bio (Biography) - The author’s description of themselves, taken from their X profile.

  • Links URL - The full url of any link that has been shared or included in the post.

  • No. of Comments - The number of comments or replies the post has received. Available for Facebook and Instagram, Youtube

  • No. of likes - The number of likes the post has received. Available for X, Facebook and Instagram

  • No. of shares - The number of shares the post has received. Available for News, Blogs, Forums, Reviews & Facebook.

  • No. of Retweets - The number of retweets the post has received. Available for X, News, Blogs, Forums, Reviews.

  • User name - The author of the post’s real name, as per their profile info.

  • User Screen name - The author of the post’s user handle or alias i.e. @pulsarplatform.

  • User Source ID - The author’s user id on the social web, for example their X user id.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article! 📚

If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team via live chat. 🚀

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