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TRAC: Instant Alerts

Real time notifications on content that's important to you

Nirain Patel avatar
Written by Nirain Patel
Updated over a week ago

Learning Outcomes

  • You will learn more about an Instant Alert

  • You will learn about the benefits of Instant Alerts.

  • You will learn how to set up Instant Alerts.


In today's fast-paced media landscape, organizations need to stay ahead of breaking news and emerging crises. With Instant Alerts, Pulsar addresses this need by delivering notifications with exceptionally low latency. This means that users will receive timely alerts about relevant articles, allowing them to respond promptly, mitigate risks, and take immediate action when necessary.

What is an Instant Alert?

Instant Alerts, is a new feature that provides real-time notifications for crisis management and time-sensitive content. With Instant Alerts, users can receive alerts via email and mobile within minutes of articles being published online, ensuring timely and efficient response to critical events.

What’s the benefit of Instant Alerts?

Crisis Management: Instant Alerts are designed to support crisis management efforts. Organizations can set up customized instant alerts based on specific keywords, media outlets or geographic regions. This enables proactive monitoring of potential crises, ensuring that relevant stakeholders are promptly notified and can make informed decisions.

Competitive Advantage: By receiving information in real-time, clients gain a competitive edge over their peers who may rely on slower reporting methods. This allows them to seize opportunities and mitigate risks more effectively.

🌟 Multi-Language Support: Instant Alerts v2 cater to a diverse audience with support for over 20 languages, including Vietnamese, Thai, and Chinese, amongst others. Clients can now specify their preferred languages as a filter in Instant Alerts, ensuring they receive alerts tailored to their needs.

🌟 Wildcard Operators: Enhancing flexibility, wildcard operators allow clients to receive alerts based on various keyword notations. This feature streamlines the alert setup process, eliminating the need to add each keyword variation individually.

🌟 Expanded Data Source Support: Instant Alerts supports all data sources in Pulsar except for Instagram. Users can now receive alerts across various data sources such as Global Broadcast, Print News, and various social media such as X and Facebook, via the filters in Instant Alerts. A full list of data sources has been added below. Instagram support will follow shortly.

Setting up an Instant Alert?

In order to create an Instant Alert, first you’ll need to make sure you have the at least one of the supported data sources in your search.


  1. Search must be running in real time

  2. Search must have a supported source

Supported Data Sources

  • News

    • Global Print

    • Global Broadcast

    • Global Online

    • Podcasts

  • Social

    • Baidu

    • Facebook

    • Pinterest

    • Reddit

    • Tiktok

    • Threads

    • Twitch

    • VK

    • X (Twitter)

    • Youtube

    • Other

    • Aliexpress

    • Amazon

    • Blogs

    • Dark Web

    • Expedia

    • Forums

    • Naver

    • Reviews

    • SEA Facebook

    • TaoBao

    • Tripadvisor

    • Trustpilot

    • Tumblr

Creating an Alert

1. Head to your search → Reports → Instant Alerts

2. Click on “Create your first Instant Alert”
3. Begin by naming your alert.
4. Click on “Create New Filter” to add the alert criteria

5. In the filter panel you’ll have the following filters, those with asterisks are required fields.

  • Keywords*

  • Target > Source*

  • Target > Syndication

  • Target > Domains

  • Demographics > Countries

  • Demographics > Regions

  • Demographics > Languages

  • Authors > Single Author

6. Once you’ve populated the relevant field click “apply filter”

7. Then you’ll need to specify the email addresses for those who want to receive an email.

8. Finally, select the type of alert which is best suited for you

  • Email: Receive notifications via email

  • Web App: Receive notifications via Pulsar’s notification system which sends alerts within the Pulsar application

  • Pulsar Mobile: Get push notifications directly to your mobile.

    • You will need to have the Pulsar Mobile app installed. Available on Apple App Store and Google Playstore

    • Pulsar Mobile can only be selected if the Web App is enabled.

Adding Summarization

You can choose to enable summarization for your instant alert which will summarize the piece of content that triggered the alert using GPT 4.

If the content is short (less than 600 characters), your alert may not trigger a summary generation!

Example of an Instant Alert

Email Alert:

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