To help you streamline your workflow and make the most of your Radius Dashboard, we've created this comprehensive guide to walk you through the steps of using the Offer Writing feature. This powerful tool is designed to simplify the process of crafting and submitting offers on properties, saving you time and ensuring accuracy throughout the transaction. This guide will help you harness the full potential of the offer writing feature.
Write an Offer via Your Dashboard
Sign in to your Radius Dashboard. Click My Offers under the Transaction Management tab.
Click Write an Offer on the left side of the page. If you are a Team Lead, a pop up box with a dropdown will populate asking you if you'd like to add an offer for yourself or on behalf of your team member. Please make the appropriate selection and click Create.
Complete all required fields on the Buyer's Agent(s) Info page and click Next.
If there is a co-buyer's agent, before clicking Next, click Add Co-Buyer's Agent on the right hand side of the page and fill out the co-buyer's agent information.
Complete all required fields on the Buyer(s) Info page and click Next.
If there is an additional buyer, before clicking Next, click Add Additional Buyer on the right hand side of the page and fill out the additional buyer's information.
Complete all required fields on the Offer Information page and click Next.
On the Documents Information page, you'll see a yes/no toggle button next to various questions pertaining to the property you're placing an offer on.
Toggle yes next to any applicable questions and click Next.
Note: Specific property questions on this page vary state-by-state. An example of some (not all) questions asked for the state of California can be found below.
Complete all required fields on the Seller Information page and click Next.
If there is an additional seller, before clicking Next, click Add Additional Seller on the right hand side of the page and fill out the additional seller's information.
Complete all required fields on the Listing Agent Information page and click Next.
If there is an additional listing agent, before clicking Next, click Add co-Listing Agent on the right hand side of the page and fill out the co-listing agent's information.
On the Ecrow & Title Information page, click Add New Vendor on the upper right hand side of the page to add in Escrow/Title information and click Next.
If you've previously entered Escrow information for other offers and it's already populated on the screen, click Select on the box containing the information and then click Next.
On the Financing Information page, click the dropdown menu to select a Financing Type.
If applicable, click Add New Lender and complete the required fields, then click Next. Click Select on the box containing your lender information and click Submit.
If you've previously entered Lender information for other offers and it's already populated on the screen, click Select on the box containing the information and then click Submit.
You'll now be on the Documents Dashboard and see a pop up offering you a tutorial on how to properly complete this section of the offer writing process. You can either select Skip to exit out of the tutorial or Next to start the tutorial.
If you decide later on that you'd like to access the tutorial, you may do so by clicking the blue Take A Tour button on the upper right hand corner of the page.
Note: We highly recommend you use the tutorial to walk you through this portion of the process.
In the Templates section of this page, you'll find the documents that make up your offer packet.
Your offer packet is generated based off of the information in your cover sheet and the information in your cover sheet will auto-populate on your contract documents.
Select each document you'd like to be included in the offer packet by checking the box on the bottom right corner of the document and then click Fill and Sign Documents.
You'll now see a confirmation pop up titled Send Document(s). If all of the documents listed are correct and should be included, Select All and click Next.
The next page allows you to edit the Title for the Envelope as well as the Subject line. If you'd like to make any edits or re-word these fields please do so, then click Send.
Note: Clicking Send here does not send any documents to the parties since you, the agent, are in first position to sign and you have not signed yet.
Your documents will now say Your Signature Pending above them. Click View & Sign. This redirects you to DocuSign where you can fill in additional terms if needed and then sign your offer packet.
To edit any sections of the document and/or sign it as is, click the yellow Continue button and then the yellow Start button on the upper left hand side of the page.
You'll now be able to scroll through each page of the offer packet.
Clicking a Sign box will auto populate your signature into that field and automatically move you to the next section.
All boxes/fields/buttons will be able to be edited, and hovering over a box/field/button will let you know if the item is optional or required.
Click the yellow Next button on the left side of the page to move through these sections and onto the next as you complete them.
Fields with red boxes or red radio buttons are required and you must complete these.
Fields with blue boxes or text are optional and able to be changed if it's necessary. otherwise you can click Next to move through these sections with no edits.
Once you've completed all sections, click Finish to be re-directed back to your Documents Dashboard.
Hitting Finish will send the packet to your buyer for signatures.
You'll notice the status of your package will momentarily change to Processing and will then change to Sent, letting you the packet has been successfully sent to your your buyer via email for signatures.
If you need to make changes to your packet after it's been sent to your buyer, you can click the Options dropdown and then click Void and Duplicate. This will void the current offer packet envelope and create a duplicate packet that you can edit, re-sign, and re-send to your buyer for signatures.
You'll know your buyer has signed the packet and that it's ready to be sent to the listing agent when your packet status changes from Sent to Completed.
From here, you can download the packet and send it to the listing agent.
To download the packet, click the Options dropdown and select Download.
You'll now be able to send the packet to the listing agent via email by attaching it to the body of the email.