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All about the Rask Invest management fees
What is the fee?
The management fee is 0.55%pa of the balance of your portfolio. The management fee is broken down and calculated on the value of your portfolio on a daily basis to ensure an accurate fee is charged.
Is there a performance fee?
No, there is no performance fees for Rask Invest accounts.
When is the fee charged?
The fee is calculated daily and charged monthly in arrears.
How is the fee charged?
The fee is taken from the physical cash component of your account. Investors do not need to transfer in funds to cover the fee. Investors cannot have the fee taken from an external bank account.
For a worked example on the fees please view the product disclosure statement here.
All about the brokerage fees
All your holdings with Rask Invest are held under a HIN in your name or your entities name. Because your holdings are CHESS sponsored brokerage is charged when you transact.
What is the brokerage cost
The brokerage fees are the greater of $4.40 or 0.088% of the transacted value.
For example, $1,000 acquisition of share ABC = $4.40 but $10,000 acquisition of share ABC = $8.80 It is important to note that our investments are not actively trading, and we do not receive a cent of the costs associated with trading.
When is it charged
Whenever a transaction is made. This includes buying or selling investments.
How is it charged
Whenever a transaction is made brokerage will be included in the net amount of the transaction shown in the transactions screen.
Indirect costs
What are indirect costs
Indirect costs are the fees in the investments the Rask Invest team invest in. These are the ETFs and managed funds. It is important to note Rask Invest does not collect these fees and these fees are charged if an investor was to invest directly in the EFT or managed fund.
How are indirect costs charged
ETF and managed fund fees are factored into the unit price.