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How do I upload my insights in the tool?
How do I upload my insights in the tool?
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Verfasst von Reachbird
Vor über 4 Jahren aktualisiert

After your drafts have been approved by the client and you have published them, the next step of the campaign process is to upload the insights.

This FAQ shows you how to upload the insights. Since uploading story insights is a bit more complex, you will find a more detailed description below.

Upload the Insights

Once you have published your content (post, reel, IGTV, etc.), click on "Submit" in the campaign chat under the respective action.

Afterwards, link the post in your campaign. As shown in the image below, you need to check the box to confirm that you have complied with the advertising label and that the draft has been published as approved.

Then select the correct image by double-clicking on it. If the post is not included, click on "Load more posts", you may have to enter the URL of your post here.

The next step is to upload the insights of the post. If the post has been online for 3 days or longer, you can upload the insights immediately. Otherwise, it is only possible 3 days after publication, for which you will receive another reminder via the campaign chat.

To do this, take a screenshot of the Post Insights as described in the image below and then upload it via "+Upload Screenshot(s)". Then confirm the upload by clicking on "Submit Insights".

Attention: works best with computer/laptop!

After you have confirmed your insights, they can be viewed by the client or the Reachbird project management team. If everything is correct, your insights are confirmed in the last step and the action slides into the category "finished" in the campaign chat. As soon as this is the case, the payment of the campaign will be triggered.

You can find more about the payment process here.

Upload Stories Insights:

Once you have published the story, click "Submit" on the relevant action to confirm this.

Afterwards, you will be asked to upload the story insights. For this, you need to go to your Instagram story archive after 24 hours and take screenshots of the analytics of all individual story sequences.

You can access your Instagram story archive as follows:

Step 1: go to your Instagram archive after the story expires.

2nd step: select the right story.

3rd step: swipe up to see the analytics and take the appropriate screenshots.

In your screenshots, the following data should be visible:

Interactions (link clicks, sticker tabs), accounts reached (reach) and impressions.

After you have taken the screenshots, upload the insights of all story sequences via "+Upload Screenshot(s)" and click "Submit Selection".

ATTENTION: It may be that the view of your Story Insights has shifted slightly and the numbers are not arranged as in the screenshot above. In this case it is necessary to take and upload two screenshots per story sequence.

Make sure that the reach, impressions and within the content interactions the link clicks and sticker tabs are visible as in the example below.

ATTENTION: Uploading insights works best with computer/laptop!

Once the customer approves your content, your campaign is complete. You will receive your earnings no later than 60 days after the end of the campaign. Learn more about payment here.

If you have any further questions about uploading insights, please contact social@reachbird.io.

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