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Live Tour/Live Session Attendees
Live Tour/Live Session Attendees

Check out what data you can select for any Live Tour/Live Session Attendees!

Updated over a week ago

For any Live Tour/Live Session that you have scheduled, you can select the data types below to see detailed information on attendees! πŸ‘€

  • Agent name

  • Property Name

  • Company Name

  • Created Date

    • Last event date/time for the tour/session created for prospects

  • Email (Prospect email address)

  • First Name (Prospect)

  • Last Name (Prospect)

  • Type

    • Live Tour Attendee/Live Session Attendee

  • Tour Title

    • Tour or Session Title

  • Tour Date/Time

    • Start date/time for either Live Tour or Live Session

  • Status

    • Invited - (Tour/session has been scheduled or prospect has registered to a public tour)

    • Attended - (Prospect joined live tour/live session and tour/session has been completed)

    • N/A - (Prospect email was undeliverable or prospect was deleted from live tour/live session)

  • Views - (Count of past live tour/past live session views by prospect)

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