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This guide will help you with brand and customize your Realync account.
13 articles
Photo DimensionsDimensions for Logos, Cover Photo, and Opening Slide Images
Branding 101Your brand sets you apart from your competition, use it, don't lose it!
Branding - Where do I Edit?Wondering where you can edit different branding features?
Call to Action
Call to Action Banner and Branding
Call to Action ButtonWant to customize the Call to Action Button on the banner in your Pre-Recorded Videos? This is the place to learn how!
Call to Action Banner & Email ColorWant to change the color on the emails and your banner across videos within Realync? We can show you how.
Call to Action Button on Individual VideosWant to brand a specific video?! Check this out!
Email Templates
Customizing your Realync Email Templates
Email Template CustomizationYou can now customize your post Live Tour/Session emails!