What is a private TIN?
A Taxpayer Identification Number (or TIN) is a unique identification number used by countries to identify people for the purpose of administering their national tax affairs.
Why does Record Union ask for it?
We require that you add this number to your billing and payment information on Record Union so that royalty payments can be correctly registered with tax authorities.
As with all your billing information, tax identification numbers are stored securely on our servers and are used only for administering payments associated with your account.
What is my TIN?
The actual TIN number format and how it is assigned varies between countries. In many countries, your TIN is the same as your national identification number, though this is not always the case.
If you are unsure about what your TIN is, you can find some helpful country-specific information below.
TIN numbers within the EU
Please see this page on the European Commission website for a detailed overview and explanation of TIN numbers within Europe.
TIN numbers in the United States
In the United States, there are a range of different TIN numbers in use, however the most common for individuals is your Social Security Number.
If you are a resident of the United States but do not have a Social Security Number, there are other TIN numbers that apply to you.
For more information about TIN in the United States, please see this Wikipedia article.
TIN numbers in other countries
To find local information in your country, search for "TIN number in [your country]" on your favorite search engine and look for results from your government's tax agency.