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Your Music on Beatport
Goms avatar
Written by Goms
Updated this week

Beatport is a streaming and download service with an exclusive focus on the Dance and Electronic genres. DJs are the main target group for Beatport.

Beatport is highly acknowledged in the DJ community – among their 36 million users, around half a million are DJs. Beatport allows DJs and fans to easily find, play and share your music. As long as your music can be categorized as ‘Electronic’ or ‘Dance’, Beatport will be available in the list of stores. It is included in the World Domination package.

Can Record Union help me release my tracks on Beatport?

Yes. Beatport will appear in the list of stores when you upload dance/electronic tracks.

I’m concerned about the genre displayed on Beatport, can you help me?

For the list of subgenres of Dance and Electronic music accepted on Beatport, please see Beatport’s website.

If you used an incorrect subgenre when uploading, please let us know and we’ll look into it for you. Please know that Beatport still has the last say when it comes to what genre applies to any track on their services.

Can I have my own label on Beatport?

Yes, but we need to set it up for you first. Check out this helpful article that further explains the process.

If you don’t, or if the label simply doesn’t matter to you, we’ll release your music under the Record Union label. This will not affect your label name on other platforms.

Why does my label name say Record Union?

Beatport requires all releases to be placed on a record label page. If you don’t have a verified Beatport label yet, your release will be under the Record Union’s Beatport label page. If you’d like to get your own verified Beatport label, please visit this link for more info.

I already have a label page on, what do I do?

If you already have a label page on and are now only looking to move your releases to Record Union, please contact our support and we’ll help you have your label transferred to our account.

Can I update my Beatport label logo?

Beatport doesn't currently allow artists and labels to claim their pages, but you can request a bio and profile image update using this form.

The image must be 500 x 500 px, and the bio must be in English.

If you haven't heard from them within two weeks, please reach out back to us.

Can I update my Beatport artist page?

Beatport doesn't currently allow artists and labels to claim their pages, but you can request a bio and profile image update using this form.

The image must have an aspect ratio of 1.46 (landscape); a minimum of 590 x 404 px, and a maximum of 3000 x 2054 px, and the bio must be in English.

If you haven't heard from them within two weeks, please reach out back to us.

How do I get on Beatport's playlist?

Our curation team pitches our most favourite new tracks to Beatport weekly. When you upload, choose the “Pitch Priority” add-on so your track gets automatically added to the top of our pitch shortlist.

PS. Don’t miss out on Beatport Hype!

Can I customize the retail price on Beatport?

No. All of the download stores set a standard retail price on your product.

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