Anghami is a premier streaming service that focuses on the Middle Eastern and North African music scenes. If you're looking to expand your musical reach, you can have your music featured on Anghami.
How do I get my music on Anghami?
To do this, simply choose the World Domination package when you upload. By ensuring your music is on Anghami, you can tap into a vibrant and diverse music market, enhancing your visibility and reach across the Middle Eastern and North African regions.
What countries is Anghami available in?
Anghami's international releases are accessible only in the MENA region. However, Arabic content and releases are accessible worldwide, unless the artist or label has requested specific country restrictions.
My release is on another page. How can I fix it?
This problem is known as an "Artist mapping issue." It can occur when two bands or artists have a similar name. To resolve this issue, follow these steps:
Contact Record Union support first.
Provide them with the following information:
The URL for the wrongfully placed release.
The URL for your artist page.
How can I remove someone else release on my page?
If you find that someone else's release is on your page, we can also help you fix this with the same process as above.
Our support team will contact Anghami on your behalf to request a fix.