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Creating and Scheduling Text Messages

Best practices when sending SMS Blasts.

Updated over a week ago

Tips for Drafting Text Messages:

  • Always begin the message with a catchy headline ex. “The countdown is on!” or “Seasonal Savings are Here!”

  • Always end the message with a call to action. For example: “Shop Now:” .

  • We recommend no more than 4 text messages a month. If a client requests more than 4 text messages, remind them that patients can opt out.

  • The best time frame to schedule a message is 12 pm, 2 pm, and 6-8 pm (avoid sending a message during rush hour).

  • The ranking of the best days to send out marketing text messages:

    • Thursday

    • Friday

    • Saturday

    • Tuesday

    • Wednesday

    • Sunday

    • Monday

  • We typically do 4 texts in a text blast (depending on the duration of the special and the amount of advanced notice we receive).

  • Messages go out in the client's time zone.

  • Monthly specials are sent:

    • 1 at the first of the month

    • 2 in the middle of the month

    • 1 day before the special ends (depending on how the dates fall). It's possible to even do the end day. For example: "July specials end tonight".

  • We require the client's approval before we schedule any text message. Always send a test to double-check the link.

Preventing Carrier Filtering:

Mobile carriers (AT&T, T-Mobile, etc.) filter (prevent the message from being delivered to the recipient) if they believe the message is spam. Please consider implementing the following tips to help avoid this.

Note: We are only able to deep link on the web app; if a patient has the mobile app any deep link will take them to the home page.

  • Avoid using spam-centric words or special characters. For example:

    • $$$ off

    • Money Back

    • Save up to

    • Free access

    • Free preview

    • Limited time

    • Free trial.

  • The risk of carrier filtering increases when texts contain special characters (such as % and #), emojis (😭), and words in all capitals.

  • Use a branded shortened link.

  • Do not send naked links (links that include the “https://”).

Refer to this article for more information

How to Schedule a Text Message:

  1. Navigate to

  2. Select SMS blasts from the left toolbar.

  3. Select Click here or click Quick Actions > Create SMS Blast. The Create SMS blast screen displays.

    To simply the messaging process, add a call to action before typing the message so you can calculate the character count, not to exceed 100 characters.

  4. Complete the following fields:

    1. Your SMS message: enter the SMS blast text.

    2. Internal campaign name: labels the message internally in the admin panel.

    3. Valid locations: select All or specific locations applicable to the text offer.

    4. Scheduling: set the date and time to send the message.

    5. Send a test SMS: enter a mobile number to validate the test before sending to clients.

    Note: it is highly advised to test the SMS before scheduling it.

  5. Click Send.

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