You can edit these emails on the Notifications Settings page.
Email Descriptions
RMA Start Shoppers will receive this email notification when you require them to enter only their email address to look up their order. This notification is part of our verification process and contains a link that allows shoppers to begin their return.
RMA Success The RMA Success email is sent once the shoppers RMA has been authorized by your team. If you have manual authorization enabled, shoppers will receive this email after you authorize their RMA.
RMA Requested Shoppers will receive this email notification if manual authorization is enabled. This notification informs the shopper that their return is being reviewed by your team.
RMA Rejected The RMA Rejected email is sent to shoppers if you have manual authorization enabled and reject their RMA.
RMA Complete Shoppers will receive this email notification once their RMA has been completed within Originate.
Shipping Information The Shipping Information email notification is sent when your team needs to resend a shipping label to the shopper if they request it.
Receiving a Copy of Your Emails
You have the option to receive a copy of all of the emails sent to your Shoppers from your ReturnLogic Account. This works by sending all emails to a designated company email or user email address of your choice. You are welcome to use whatever email address makes the most sense for your process. Here are instructions on how to receive a copy of your emails.
We're here to help! Email us at or use the live chat inside the platform with any questions or feedback.