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FAQ: Customer Emails

Frequently asked questions about Customer Emails

Kaylie avatar
Written by Kaylie
Updated over a week ago

This article includes commonly asked questions and answers about emails, email customization, and helpful best-practice tips for managing email communication with shoppers. This article also goes in-depth about why a shopper may be under the impression that they did not receive a ReturnLogic email.

There are a few components that can cause a customer email not to send as expected. Sometimes shoppers think the email was never sent when it actually was sent. This article will help you troubleshoot and figure out what occurred with a given email in question.

1. Why didn't my shopper receive a ReturnLogic email?

If a shopper is telling you that they did not receive an email that they expected to receive, the first step is to confirm that the email was actually successfully sent. There are several ways you can determine if an email went out to a shopper.

How to verify which emails were sent to your shopper

In ReturnLogic, you have the option to receive a copy of all of the customer emails that get sent to your shoppers. This works by sending all emails to a designated company email or user email address of your choice. You are welcome to use whatever email address makes the most sense for your process.

To set this up:

  1. Login

  2. Go to settings

  3. Go to Email

  4. Follow the instructions for the catch-all emails text box

  5. Under the Catch-All Emails Enabled section, select yes.

  6. If you'd like the user working on a given RMA to also receive a copy, select the Yes option under the User Email Enabled section. Please note you have the option to only send a copy to the user editing the RMAs if you prefer.

  7. Click Save

  8. Check your email inbox over time to confirm you are getting email receipts as expected

Please note that changes made here will be effective immediately and you can come back to this setting and alter it at any time.

Please note that if one of these email receipt settings was not in place at the time when the email in question would have been triggered to go out to the shopper, the email (and receipt) would not have been captured in this email history. This feature does not work retroactively.

Potential causes for shoppers not Receiving an email:

Causes related to the email account:

  • Please ask your shopper to check their spam folder for the email(s) they were expecting to receive.

  • Ask your shopper to ensure that automated emails are not being blocked or filtered into other email folders (other than their main inbox).

  • Ask your shopper to verify that their email account has been successfully set up and is successfully receiving email messages from other senders.

Causes related to ReturnLogic settings:

  • Please check on your Notification settings and confirm that the email type was not turned off. If there is a checkbox for that type of email, the enabled checkbox needs to be checked. If you do check this box on the edit page, be sure to hit save to save the change.

Causes related to the specific RMA:

  • It's possible that the email you were expecting was not triggered due to the specific situation going on with this shopper and RMA. To learn about how each email is triggered, please read the description next to the name of the email name. Triggers are not editable and do not work retroactively.

Causes related to the ReturnLogic user:

  • It's possible that the email you were expecting to go out and get triggered was manually suppressed by the user while the RMA was being edited by the user. At various points, users will be prompted with a pop-up window that asks them if they'd like to suppress a specific email and explains what will happen as a result. You can also refer to the RMA Completion section (located at the bottom right-hand side of the RMA page) to see if the RMA Completion email was suppressed for this specific RMA.

  • It's possible that users suppress emails when the shopper would have preferred to receive an email. Occasionally, users may forget when they suppressed emails with certain shoppers. If the user forgets they opted to manually suppress the email, you can refer to the Timeline section of the RMA page to see which user worked on that particular RMA. The updated by field would show the email address of the user who completed a certain action.

2. How can I turn off certain ReturnLogic emails?

In ReturnLogic, you have the option to turn off certain automated ReturnLogic emails. You can enable them or not depending on your preference and you can change this setting whenever you like. When altering these settings, it's important to understand the implications of the changes you make.

  1. Log in

  2. Go to settings

  3. Go to notifications

  4. Click on the blue text associated with a given email such as "RMA success"

  5. Look at the upper left-hand corner of the screen for a blue "Enabled?" checkbox (not every email will have this checkbox).

If you would like to turn off this kind of email, uncheck the box next to "Enabled?". Be sure to hit the blue Save button to the upper right-hand corner to make this change. Please note that this change will be effective immediately and can impact current RMAs that would trigger customer emails. Please note that these emails have specific triggers and that you may not be able to re-trigger. If you would like to do tests around customer emails, you may consider doing this before your return center goes live.

Please also note that changes made here will be effective immediately and you can come back to this setting and alter it at any time.

3. How can I re-send a label email to the shopper?

Please refer to this Help article about how to re-send a label to a shopper: How Do I Reissue a Shipping Label?

4. How can I void the shipping label that was already emailed to the shopper?

ReturnLogic does not generate the shipping label itself and there is no way within the ReturnLogic platform to "void" a shipping label that corresponds with an RMA. Often shipping label emails go out to shoppers before merchants decide they want to void the label and make it unusable for the shopper. If a shipping provider does offer their customers a way to void an existing label, that's something you'd have to follow up with the provider about. To see which provider created the label, click on the view label link and look for the company name on the label.

5. How can I send a new updated shipping label (for an existing RMA) to a shopper?

Please review the order of events in the below example to understand how this works in ReturnLogic:

  1. The shopper generates the new RMA by completing the steps in the Return Center OR staff of the merchant create a manual RMA on behalf of the shopper.

  2. At the time that the RMA is created, the shipping label is triggered to be created by the shipping provider based on the return reason and the ReturnLogic account settings pre-added by the merchant

  3. The RMA becomes referenceable in Returnlogic with its own unique page where the label can be located under the shipping section of the RMA page.

  4. The shopper calls or emails the merchant and says they want a different kind of return than the kind they had originally asked for when the RMA was initially created (either by the shopper or by the merchants customer support staff)

  5. The merchants support staff edits the RMA to reflect the new type of return. Let's say the shopper originally wanted an exchange for an item but changed their mind and now wants a refund instead. Let's also say that the merchant set up their shipping labels to cover the cost of exchanges for shoppers but refunds are not free for shoppers, thus prompting the need for a new, up-to-date shipping label

    Because the shipping label is only triggered to be generated once (at the time of creation) there is no way to re-trigger the creation of a shipping label for a pre-existing RMA. This means that to trigger a new label, you'd need to create a new RMA with the accurate return type. You could do this on behalf of the shopper by creating a manual RMA. In other words, a shipping label will always be created based on the return type that was selected at the time the RMA was created. Once the new RMA is made, the shipping label email would go out as it normally would. If needed, you can generate a new label outside of ReturnLogic for your shopper but if you do, be sure to clearly communicate that to the shopper to avoid confusion.

6. What is triggering the (insert email type) email?

The email notifications that are internal to ReturnLogic are sent out at certain times throughout the RMA workflows. When certain actions "trigger" them to be sent out, emails go out to shoppers. To learn about what triggers each email, please read the description next to the blue text.

7. Which customer emails are from Shopify and which emails are from ReturnLogic?

ReturnLogic only triggers the emails listed in the Settings under "Notifications". Other emails that are not listed here are not ReturnLogic-generated emails.

8. Can I alter what triggers an email in ReturnLogic?

No, there is currently no way to alter what triggers these emails in ReturnLogic. It is possible that there may be more options in this area in the future as we continue to expand our API endpoints.

9. Can I create my own ReturnLogic emails to be sent?

Right now, there is no way to add an additional email type to this selection of emails.

Since these emails have very customizable templates, many merchants are able to customize these messages to their liking to handle additional communication to shoppers. Please find the variable template menu on the right-hand side of the edit page of each email type.

Email templates on each page are unique and they allow you to add variables as you see fit

*Please note that you must choose from the options on this page, not on the menus listed on the other edit email pages. The template variables listed on other email type pages may not work as expected with other email types. Using the wrong template variables can cause errors and those errors can cause the email to fail to send entirely. Similarly, if there is a typo with the code, it can cause similar issues. It is always a good idea to test the email after you have made changes to the code. The test email option can be located on the edit page of an email on the top right-hand side of the page.

After using the test button, please check for the email in your inbox and review how it looks and functions as if you were the shopper. If you notice anything that is not working as expected, you will likely need to go back and edit the code on the email edit page to correct it.

Please note that ReturnLogic does not offer in-depth customization support as it pertains to custom coding. If you would like to be put in touch with one of our partners that specializes in custom coding help, please let us know and we can make an introduction.

Though the types of emails that ReturnLogic supports are pre-determined, there are many ways to customize each message. If you are looking for more customization options, please read over the next section in this guide.

10. Can I use the ReturnLogic API to send custom emails?

Though the types of emails that ReturnLogic provides are standard, it's possible to use the ReturnLogic API to achieve the kind of email you'd like to create by pairing it with an additional email platform. Please be aware that custom email coding and setup may require the help of a professional developer. Please note that ReturnLogic does not offer in-depth customization support as it pertains to custom coding. If you would like to be put in touch with one of our partners that specializes in custom coding help, please let us know and we can make an introduction.

ReturnLogic API If you'd like to use the ReturnLogic API to trigger emails in another platform, you will need to decide what existing API endpoint you'd like to use. Please keep in mind that we plan to expand the selection of API endpoints as we continue to grow.

11. Can I Integrate ReturnLogic and Zendesk for customer communication?

You may decide to use an existing integration option to communicate with your shoppers in Zendesk: How to Connect Zendesk and ReturnLogic. Please check out the help article below to learn more about this integration.

We're here to help! Email us at or use the live chat inside the platform with any questions or feedback.

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