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Admin - Email Tracking

Email Tracking page for Admins

Written by John Machicado
Updated over 7 months ago

Our Admins now have access to track all emails that are sent from their event(s).

Just hover over the "Management" clipboard icon, and select "Email Tracking"

You will then be looking at the "Email Tracking" page:

The top of the page has a search filter. Below that, is the table of emails that have been triggered and sent from your event. The columns are: Message ID, Notification Type, Send Date, From, Subject, Recipients, Status, and Actions.

  • Message ID - a unique ID number assigned on the backend

  • Notification Type - shows which event notification triggered the email (Submission Accepted Email, Reviewer Invite Email, Incomplete Submission Reminder, etc.)

  • Send Date - the date and time that the email was sent

  • From - the "sender" email address

  • Subject - the subject of the email (configured within the "Email Templates" page)

  • Recipients - shows the main recipient, as well as any BCCs

  • Status - there are 3 possible statuses: Bounces, Complaints, and Delivered.

    • NOTE: "Delivered" does not necessarily mean that the email is in the recipient's inbox. It is possible that the email has a "Delivered" status, but was "quarantined" or "queued for delivery", and the email might be in the recipient's junk/spam folder

      • To see the details of the email's status, you should click on the "View Notifications" button under the Actions column

  • Actions - this column contains two buttons: View Notifications, and View Content.

    • Click "View Notifications" to see more details about the email's status

    • Click "View Content" to see the full email that went out

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