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How Texting Credits are Calculated
Jim Aminloo avatar
Written by Jim Aminloo
Updated over 6 months ago

Each package includes an allowance of text credits (See below for a breakdown by package)


Text Credit Allowance









Once you exceed your allowance, additional texts sent will result in overage fees at a cost of $0.02 per text credit.* (Let's say you exceed by 500 text credits then that would be an additional $10)

To help you monitor your Texting Credits per month, we added a metric to the Dashboard called Texting Credits Used. Credits are based on the billing period so you will need to adjust the reporting calendar to reflect this. If you have ADMIN or MANAGER access, you can find your Billing Date by going to the GEAR ICON > BILLING. CLICK HERE to learn more.

In addition, we've added a Credit Counter per message on the Bulk Messaging page to help you calculate the number of credits your message will use per contact.
CLICK HERE to learn more.

Breakdown of How Texting Credits Are Calculated

We recently increased our character limit from 500 to 660 characters. Even though you can now send bigger messages, standard messaging rates still apply. 

Phone carriers can only send up to 160 text characters in a single message. This means that a message with 660 characters will have to break into multiple text messages, and therefore, Texting Credits.

Here is a breakdown of how many characters phone carriers allow you to use per text message when using different types of messaging: 

To help you understand how your message will translate into Texting Credits used, here is a breakdown of various messaging type combinations:

*Accounts opened prior to January 1st, 2019 may charge more per text sent. Please check your invoice or give us a call if you are unsure of your overage fees. 

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