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How to Use the Control Panel
How to Use the Control Panel
Edgar Wharton avatar
Written by Edgar Wharton
Updated this week

Introducing the Control Panel

We've made some stellar improvements to the core experience for nonprofit staff. This update will be one of many that brings unique controls and actions at your fingertips. We call this the Control Panel.

What is a control panel?

The control panel is a centralized area for you to manage your participants data, review resources shared, update outcomes, create notes, and review recently completed surveys. Much of this will look incredibly familiar as the functionality exists across the platform. As we further refine the control panel, the Candidate Profile view will be reconceptualized as a very unique space, more on that later.

How do I access the control panel?

Simple enough! To access the control panel, click on either the Wrench icon or the candidate's name.

Once you click on the name or wrench icon, a panel will open from the right providing additional actions such as:

  • User Details: Viewing and updating candidate information, career history, and other data points collected.

  • Resource Outcomes: Review recently shared resources and update the outcomes of those resources to ensure that the candidate's journey is accurately represented.

  • Surveys: Review recently completed forms such as intake surveys and applications.

  • Notes: Review and create notes to keep a diary of interactions with your assigned candidates. Having notes easily available is great for walk-ins or phone conversations where you want to quickly track a placement, add intake details and more.

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