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Recommendation Sequencer Explained
Recommendation Sequencer Explained

Understand the features and functions of this data-driven module to optimize implementation of recommendations.

Written by Ronjit Mukherjee
Updated over a week ago

Risk Alive's Recommendation Sequencer module enables you to prioritize time, money, and resources on recommendations that matter (from a risk perspective).

How does it work?

The Risk Alive platform assigns a criticality "score" or risk reduction value to each recommendation identified within a PHA. Recommendation Criticality is determined by looking at several characteristics of recommendations and using them in an algorithm to establish the criticality “score”. These characteristics include how many times a recommendation is used, the types of risk on which they are reducing the likelihood (or severity), the number of credits of likelihood (or severity) reduction, and others.

When a PHA is processed through the Risk Alive platform, an "Optimal" sequence of recommendations is automatically created. This optimal sequence represents the ideal implementation order of recommendations that will give the site team the most amount of risk reduction in the least number of steps.

Figure 1. Recommendation Sequencer 

The sequence of recommendations can be viewed as a list and visualized in the form of a bar graph. Within the graph, each bar represents one recommendation and the height of the bar represents its criticality "score" or risk reduction value.

Hovering over at different points within the graph will highlight the risk profile at that point within the corresponding recommendation sequence.

  • Hovering over the "zero" mark indicates the risk profile after accounting for all of your existing safeguards / barriers and before implementing any recommendation.

  • Hovering over a specific bar or recommendation within the sequence indicates the risk profile assuming that the corresponding recommendation has been implemented.

  • Scrolling to the right-most end of the recommendation sequence and hovering over the last bar or recommendation indicates the risk profile assuming that all recommendations have been implemented.

Figure 2. Hovering over the zero mark in Recommendation Sequencer graph

Figure 3. Hovering over a recommendation in Recommendation Sequencer graph

Figure 4. Hovering over the right-most end in Recommendation Sequencer graph

The optimal sequence takes into consideration cases when a PHA scenario has more than one recommendation documented. In these cases, the optimal sequence reduces the priority of related recommendations when the first recommendation within a group of recommendations on a given PHA scenario is implemented. Related or Linked Recommendations on a given scenario are represented using the "Link" or "Chain" icon in the list of recommendations.

Figure 5. Sequencer drop down list with Optimal Sequencer selected

The Recommendation Sequencer module can be used to visualize the optimal or planned sequence of recommendations for a single or multiple PHAs at once.

Linked Recommendations

When two or more recommendations are associated with the same PHA scenario, they will be "Linked" in the Recommendation Sequencer as shown by the "Link" or "Chain" icon. Clicking on the icon will highlight the other linked Recommendations in the list (scroll up or down in the recommendations list to find them). This means that the recommendations are working together to reduce risk on the same scenario, so their relative importance for "moving the risk needle" will be dependent on the order in which they are implemented.

This "linking" enables Capital or Project teams to prioritize recommendations that might require lower implementation effort, but still reduce overall risk within the unit or the site.

Figure 6. Recommendation Detail with Linked Button

What's Next?

Learn how to use Recommendation Sequencer with our HOW TO article.
Read about Recommendation Categories used in Risk Alive.

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