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How-to Use Recommendation Sequencer
How-to Use Recommendation Sequencer

Prioritize time, money, and resources on recommendations that matter (from a risk perspective)

Written by Ronjit Mukherjee
Updated over a week ago

Creating a new Recommendation Sequence

When a PHA is processed through the Risk Alive platform, an "Optimal" sequence of recommendations is automatically created. This optimal sequence represents the ideal implementation order of recommendations that will give the site team the most amount of risk reduction in the least number of steps. The optimal sequence is based solely on risk reduction and does not factor in cost, turn-around schedules, lag time for material, or other factors.

In order to plan your recommendation implementation to account for resource, budgetary, or other constraints, Risk Alive enables users to create their own sequences. New Recommendation Sequences can be created by clicking the “New” button at the upper right corner of the graph.

Figure 1. Recommendation Sequence Selection Options

When “New” is clicked, a dialog box is shown allowing you to enter the new sequence description. Click “Create” when finished.

Figure 2. New Sequence Creation Modal

NOTE: New sequences created gives you a blank slate to start with and will not have recommendations prioritized automatically. Recommendations need to be added by the user to a newly created sequence.

Adding and Removing Recommendations

Recommendations can be added/removed to/from a created sequence graph by interacting with the recommendations list.

Recommendations are listed in the left panel. When the recommendation is selected (left click), the recommendation expands to reveal more information. The recommendation can be added/removed to/from the graph by clicking on the graph icon on the right.

Tip: Click on the "Linked Recommendation" icon to highlight linked or related recommendations. Browse the list to first "add" recommendations to the graph that may require relatively lower effort to implement and still move the needle on risk. This may result in the criticality "score" or risk reduction value of related recommendations to drop since you have already brought down the risk for the relevant PHA scenario by one or more levels.

In this manner, if you've got recommendations that require higher effort to implement or cannot be implemented until shutdown / turnaround / other non-routine operating mode condition, you can still realize risk reduction value from other recommendations on the same PHA scenario (s).

Figure 3. Recommendation Details

Reordering Recommendations

Recommendations can be re-ordered on the graph by dragging and dropping the recommendation from the Recommendation List. Simply drag the recommendation to the desired location in the list and the graph will automatically refresh. Alternatively, you can click on the up and down buttons as highlighted in Figure 4 below.

Figure 4. Re-ordering Recommendations in Recommendation Sequencer

If you have a plan ready for select recommendations and want to answer the question "What should I focus on next?", you can:

  • Add the planned recommendations in a new sequence, and

  • Click the "Add Remaining" button to automatically add the rest of the recommendations in an "optimal" sequence to see what the next priority should be.

Figure 5. "Add Remaining" button in Recommendation Sequencer

Viewing Existing Recommendation Sequences

All sequences can be accessed from the menu the left of the filter box by hovering your pointer over the list. Simply click the desired sequence to automatically refresh the graph and recommendation list.

Figure 6. Recommendation Sequence Dropdown List

If you want to edit the current Sequence but still have a copy just in case, you can click on "Clone". This will create a copy of the current Sequence so you can add/remove recommendations to/from the graph without affecting the original Sequence.

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