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LivePHA Recommendation Sequencer
LivePHA Recommendation Sequencer

Optimize risk reduction and cost by implementing recommendations based on an iterative model.

Written by Ronjit Mukherjee
Updated over a week ago


After a PHA is completed, there is a list of recommendations or action items from important risk gaps identified during the session. Unfortunately, due to typical budget constraints, process safety and operation teams are forced to pick and choose which recommendations and risk gaps they should close first.

Previously, teams have focused on quantity over quality, implementing as many recommendations as possible with less focus on the impact to risk. Alternatively, others focus on risk ranking impacts, which can confuse teams when there are recommendations which impact different amounts of various risk rankings.

LivePHA Recommendation Sequencer provides users a simulation platform to quickly find the most impactful recommendations while considering cost, and display the risk impact via Risk Ranking changes and Criticality.

How does it work?

All recommendations are processed through a criticality algorithm which determines the most critical recommendation. Recommendation Sequencer can be generated before, during or after recommendations are implemented.

Each time a recommendation is implemented, the risk profile of a facility or processing unit changes, and the criticality of interconnected recommendations adjust accordingly, making the sequence of recommendations continually relevant.

Recommendation Sequencer can display recommendations for a single or multiple PHAs at once.

Accessing LivePHA Recommendation Sequencer

Activating the features

LivePHA Recommendation Sequencer features must be activated by your Risk Alive representative. These features can be activated for a single report to pilot its use in your organization, or we can turn these feature on for all reports. Just chat with us and we'll get you going!

Availability on specific reports

Recommendation Sequencer activation status, can be found by accessing "Live PHA Analytics" and selecting the Recommendation Sequencer tab.

Select "Review", highlighted below, to then see the projects which have this module activated.

Selecting a Dataset for Recommendation Simulation

In order to start your Recommendation Sequencer process, you must first find the dataset you are interested in.

You can perform project selection by selecting either a Facility, Unit Type, Year of PHA, or specific PHA Projects using the Filter selection at the top of LivePHA Analytics.

Once you have identified your datasets of interest, Recommendation Sequencer will update automatically to populate the relevant recommendations.

Recommendation Sequencer Interface

Once a dataset is selected, the interface for Recommendation Sequencer will now be shown.

  • Left Panel - Available Recommendations are listed in the left panel, sorted by Adjusted Criticality

  • Middle Panel - When the recommendation is selected (Implement), the recommendation will be assigned as an "Implemented Recommendation"

  • Right Panel - A Summary of the recommendations implemented will be shown here:

    • Risk Ranking distribution before and after consideration of the implemented recommendations

    • Criticality breakdown by implemented recommendation

    • Cost breakdown by implemented recommendation

Click on the "Linked Recommendation" icon (Paperclip) to see a list of related recommendations on the same scenario.

At the top right there are a list of icons. These icons from left to right represent:

  • Create New Sequence

  • Load Previously Saved Sequences

  • Save Current Sequence

  • Export to CSV

  • Access Default Cost Settings

Tip: Browse the list to first "add" recommendations to the graph that may require relatively lower effort to implement and still move the needle on risk. This may result in the criticality "score" or risk reduction value of related recommendations to drop since you have already brought down the risk for the relevant PHA scenario by one or more levels.  In this manner, if you've got recommendations that require higher effort to implement or cannot be implemented until shutdown / turnaround / other non-routine operating mode condition, you can still realize risk reduction value from other recommendations on the same PHA scenario (s).

Simulating Recommendation Implementation

Below is a summary of the information in each Available Recommendation.

  • Recommendation Description

  • Note: The Sequence Number is not reflective of the sequence number in the PHA, as there may be multiple recommendations with the same sequence number across projects

  • Grey: The PHA Project the Recommendation is associated with

  • Green: the Adjusted Criticality of the Recommendation.

    • Pink: When a * appears by the Criticality number, then it represents a Recommendation whose criticality has been impacted by a previously implemented recommendation.

  • Purple: The Category and Classification of the recommendation

  • Blue: The Cost of the Recommendation:

    • Recommendation Costs can either be edited one at a time, or under the Cost Settings, can be edited based on Recommendation Category

Methods to simulate Recommendation Implementation:

  • Manual Implementation:

    • A user can implement any recommendation of interest by selecting the "Implement" icon

  • Optimal Implementation (Based on Criticality to Cost Ratio)

    • You can select "Implement Next 10 Optimal Recommendations", to automatically implement the recommendations with the highest Adjusted Criticality to Cost ratio. Risk Alive has found this ratio to provide the best total risk reduction given a budget constraint.

In order to change from the Summary Breakdown to Detailed Breakdown, select the arrow icon in the top right corner of Summary. You will now see Risk Ranking, Criticality, and Cost Breakdown on an individual recommendation basis, sorted by the order of implemented recommendations.

Saving and Loading Recommendation Sequences

After creating a Recommendation Sequence simulation, you may want to save it to access it later. Newly created Recommendation Sequence simulations or previously saved sequences which have been edited will show the "Save" Icon in red, as per the box highlighted below.

Simply select the "Save" Icon to Save your simulation.

When the Save icon is selected, you will have the option to Save the Sequence with any description not previously used. Select "Submit" to save your Sequence. Once the Sequence is saved, it will now be sharable with other users.

After a Sequence is saved, it can be loaded from the icon highlighted below.

When you load, you will see a list of all sequences saved using those projects. You can load any project selected by clicking on the description.​

You can delete any previously created Sequence by clicking on the "Trash" icon. A confirmation is required before deleting is finalized.

Interested in learning more? Reach out to us through the in-app chat and we'll be happy to help!

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