Report Card Explained

Compare your processing unit to others in industry or within your organization to determine how you compare.

Written by Ronjit Mukherjee
Updated over a week ago

Why is it important?

Comparing a processing unit or type of equipment to others provides insights into how the rest of industry is staying safe. Risk Alive includes 6 metrics which compare facility to the rest of industry by leveraging a data repository comprised of thousands of data sets. These metrics will lead to important questions about your facility. Risk Alive can also provide drill-down information based on any metric to answer your most important questions.

How does it work?

Values for each metric related to “Your” facility are calculated directly from data in PHA documents. For example, Equipment threats indicates the percentage of threats which are categorized by equipment failure. The same calculations are used for the “Others” values

Analytics Overview

Report card compares your facility to other industry facilities and highlights differences which could be investigated as opportunities to close risk gaps.

Report Card Metrics

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