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Unit Comparison Explained
Unit Comparison Explained

By visually comparing processing units, we can learn how other facilities analyzed threats and protection layers.

Written by Ronjit Mukherjee
Updated over a week ago

Why is it important?

Traditional PHA (Process Hazard Analysis) studies do not leverage the accumulated knowledge within an organization or across industry.  By graphically representing overlap or uniqueness between facility units, organizations can understand which threats were not considered and which safeguarding strategies have been deployed. Facility Unit Comparison improves PHA consistency and completeness.

How does it work?

Risk Themes are identified across PHAs from multiple facilities and are then linked with the related Modes of Failure. All safeguards and operating modes related to those Modes of Failure are then generalized to increase readability and comprehension. The result is a hierarchical representation of the overlap or uniqueness between facilities.


Unit Comparison will bring together multiple similar units and compare them based on equipment, modes of failure, operating mode and layers of protection. This module highlights differences and "missed scenarios" for similar units and can be used to enhance PHA preparation and PHA Sessions to ensure a more complete assessment of risk.

What's Next

Learn how to use Unit Comparison with our HOW TO article.

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