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How to Use Hazardous Scenario Viewer
How to Use Hazardous Scenario Viewer

Hazardous Scenario Viewer uses bowtie visualizations to clearly show related elements of PHA data related to hazardous events

Written by Ronjit Mukherjee
Updated over a week ago

New to Hazardous Scenario Viewer?  Read Hazardous Scenario Viewer Explained first.

The Hazardous Scenario Viewer module contains all bowtie visualizations for an entire PHA dataset and each bowtie can be accessed through the drop-down list at the top of the module.  The drop-down control lists the bowtie center text of each bowtie which is represented by the center of the bowtie in the visualization (large red dot).  Selecting a new bowtie center from the drop-down list will refresh the “Diagram” tab of the module to reflect the bowtie chosen.

Interacting with the Bowtie

Each element on the bowtie is interactive and additional details can be accessed by clicking on the item (e.g. a safeguard) and viewing the details in the data table below the bowtie visualization.  Depending on the element selected, the data table will automatically select the correct tab for Causes, Safeguards, Recommendations and Consequences.

Zooming In and Out

Some bowties can be significantly larger than others and the module will automatically adjust the zoom level to accommodate the entire bowtie.  For very large bowties, users may want to increase or decrease the zoom level and use the pan feature to move the bowtie within the “Diagram” tab.  All of these functions are available within the bowtie canvas of the “Diagram” tab.

  • the “+” and “-“ buttons will control the zoom level of the “Diagram” canvas

  • the “RESET” button will reset the canvas back to it’s default position and zoom 

  • users may pan (move) the canvas by click-dragging anywhere in the canvas 


Even for medium length PHA data sets the number of bowties available to the user can be quite high (e.g. more than 100).  As strong as the bowtie visualization is, that is still a substantial amount of data to browse without help.  By using the search functionality, a user can find the 1 or 2 bowties they need in seconds.  Here is how it works.

Start searching bowties by switching to the “Search” tab in the module.  Enter search criteria into the Search text box and the system will automatically start the search process.  Depending on the bowtie element checkboxes which are checked, the system will search those elements for the search criteria entered.  If a user is interested in searching only Safeguards, for example, all other boxes can be unchecked and results will only be returned for Safeguards.

Once a search is performed, the results are displayed in the data table below the Search text box.  All results are grouped by bowtie element and each bowtie element can be collapsed by clicking on the bowtie element header (e.g. “Causes (1)” or “Safeguards (2)”).T  he bowtie element headers within the data table also include the number of matching search results returned.

Users can search on any word, phrase or number they choose.  Most commonly, users will search for tag numbers, equipment names or other key process terms.  If the search returns too many results to be useful, try adding characters to the search until a manageable volume of information is presented in the data table.

NOTE: Safeguards and Recommendations which are non-risk reducing (given zero credits) will not appear in the bowtie visualization and will not be returned in search results.

There are two locations in Hazardous Scenario Viewer where the Bowtie icon appears; in the data table on the “DIAGRAM” tab and in the search results data table of the “SEARCH” tab.  In both of these locations, clicking on the bowtie icon will bring the user to the “Related Search” tab of the module.  The “Related Search” tab displays the list of bowties which contain the item the user has selected.

In the example below, the user clicked on the bowtie icon related to the “PSV-456 set at. . .” safeguard from the SEARCH tab.  When any bowtie icon is clicked the by user, the module will always switch to the “Related Search” tab and indicate which element was clicked and will display all bowties that element appears on.

Any of the bowties shows in the data table will then redirect the user to the “DIAGRAM” tab and display the selected bowtie.  The “Related Search” tab will remain in the tab bar and the user can quickly switch back and forth to select and view the remaining bowties.

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