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Single Sign On (SSO)

Learn how to setup and utilize Single Sign On (SSO) for your organization.

Written by Ronjit Mukherjee
Updated over a week ago


This article reviews how to setup Single Sign On (SSO) within Risk Alive for all users within your organization, and how SSO will impact your users login process.

How to Setup SSO

Any Risk Alive user with Administration Permissions can access the "Users and Groups" Page within Risk Alive. On this page, there is a "Settings" Section.

On the Settings Section, there are 2 components that are required for Single Sign On setup:

  • Azure Settings: By specifying the Tenant ID, any user that signs in from the specified Microsoft organization will be automatically assigned to your company within RiskAlive. A company's IT is likely required to assist in setup of SSO.

  • "Mandate users to sign in using their Microsoft account" Option:

    • Optionally, all users of the organization can be mandated to only access Risk Alive by using their Microsoft account; allowing administrators to manage user access through the Azure platform.

  • Note: Although all users removed from Risk Alive using Azure Directory will no longer have access, they may still appear in the users list. Only for the purpose of being reflective, the user list will have to be manually updated in this scenario.

Utilizing SSO during Login

Once users are authorized to sign in to Risk Alive using SSO, they will utilize the "Microsoft" Login option, and select "Sign in with Microsoft".

If users are still on Email/Password login processes, they will require to switch tabs to "Email and Password", to then login.

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