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Safeguard Merging 101
Safeguard Merging 101

To help you keep an list of unique Safeguard Descriptions.

Written by Ronjit Mukherjee
Updated over a week ago

Do you struggle with keeping a list of unique Safeguards where there is minimal repeat of information across the PHA? We have a built-in process that can resolve this for you! A list of unique Safeguard Descriptions can help keep the PHA clean, easy to digest, and also help provide the most accurate results with the Risk Alive PHA Analytics.

Merging Safeguards

Figure 1. Safeguard Merging in Main Menu

To begin, click on the Safeguard Merging button in the left side main menu as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 2. Safeguard Merging Page - Blank

When you first arrive on the Safeguard Merging Page (Figure 2), the page will be blank with instructions on how to automatically generate potential groupings of similar Safeguard Descriptions. Click on the "Generate New Groupings" button to accomplish this.

Figure 3. Safeguard Merging Page - Generated Groupings

This page is split into two sections - left and right. The left section contains Unmerged Safeguards - a list of all Safeguards found in the PHA that are not a part of a suggested grouping. The right section contains Merged Safeguards, which contain groupings of Safeguard Descriptions that are similar or contain the same instrumentation tags. Write a new Safeguard Description you would like to group the Safeguards to in the text box in the right section.

If you find an Unmerged Safeguard that should be in a grouping, you can click the Unmerged Safeguard, then select either another Unmerged Safeguard to create a new grouping, or select a grouping on the right section to add the Safeguard.

To remove a Safeguard Description from a grouping in the right section, click on the "x" next to the Safeguard Description.

Once you are satisfied with the list on both sides, click on the top right "Merge" button to implement these changes in the PHA Worksheet. You should have a list of unique Safeguard Descriptions in your PHA after this process.

Figure 4. Safeguard Merging Page - Out of Sync

If you make a change to a Safeguard in the Worksheet after you have implemented a Safeguard Merging, the Safeguard Merging Page may be out of alignment with the Worksheet, as shown in Figure 4. Simply click on "Generate New Groupings" again to refresh the page - be sure to check the Safeguard you changed in the Worksheet to ensure your changed Safeguard is properly merged!

If you have any questions or run into issues, please reach out to the Customer Success Team via the chat in the bottom right corner of any Risk Alive page!

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