How to Manage Vendors
Manage your vendors & contractors and their W9s here. Vendors & Contractors will auto populate here from the Invoices & Estimates tab from the Transactions page.
Go to the “Project” tab and select “Vendors & POs”
Request W9s
To Request a W9 for a specific vendor, click on “Request W9” to the right of their name. A window will pop up asking for their email and you can send along the request, which will prompt them to attach the W9.
Add W9 manually click on “Add W9 Manually” and a window will pop up for you to upload. We accept file formats of .pdf, .png, .jpeg, and .heic.
Click “View & Edit Vendor” to edit Vendor information & Delete Vendor if needed by clicking on “Delete Vendor” in at the bottom of the pop up.
For exporting, we have two options:
Export all the W9s
Export all of the Vendor information to archive.
If you need any additional exports, please reach out to us and let us know!