How to Add Team Members
First, sign into RollCredits and select the project where you'd like to add team members in the dropdown menu on the far right.
Go to the “Project” tab and click on “Team”
Go to the “Manage Team” tab and click "+ Invite Team Members"
A new window will pop up, prompting you to add an email address & select a user role for the new invitee. You can add them as a Card Holder, Cast & Crew, Manager, or Super Admin. Please see the definitions below.
Once you’ve imputed this information, click “Save” and an invite email will be sent to the recipient to login and onboard.
How to Add Ghost Members
Ghost members can make changes to transactions on behalf of a manager.
Definition of User Roles
Card Holder
Use expense cards and link receipts.
Main responsibility is to use the card and link receipts to their transactions
They can only view the transactions they've made.
Cast And Crew
Use expense cards and link receipts.
Ability to attach invoices and other receipts for the production manager's review.
They can only view the transactions they've made.
Use expense cards and link receipts.
Ability to attach invoices and other receipts for the production manager's review.
They can only view the transactions they've made.
Adding any type of transactions and viewing & editing all transactions.
A manager can add new team members and issue cards but is not authorized to modify bank details or allocate additional funds to cards.
NOTE: Managers cannot make payments.
Super Admin
The Super Admin possesses comprehensive control.
They can manage all transactions, execute payments, adjust bank details, fund cards, distribute cards, and initiate new projects.
Notes: Only Super Admins can make payments.