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Petty Cash
Ariana Lewis avatar
Written by Ariana Lewis
Updated over 5 months ago

RollCredits Petty Cash product guide

RollCredits petty cash product is designed to help crew save time in logging petty cash spend and manage overall spend better. This is achieved by

  1. Production team can create a Petty Cash program in the app assigning money to individuals

  2. Crew receiving the Petty Cash can add receipts into the app which will do the data entry for them

  3. Per envelope PC log and overall PC grid will be created by the app automatically

Creating the Petty Cash Program

  1. Create a project in RollCredits by going to the project list and clicking Add new project

2. Enter projects details and then add team members

3. Crew members that will be using Petty Cash as “Cast & Crew”, and production team that will manage the program as “Managers”. Anyone added to RollCredits will get an email inviting them to RollCredits where they can setup a password, and add their phone number.

4. If someone will be using Petty Cash but does not want to use RollCredits, they can be added as a ghost user. You will need to add their name, and we will create a user whose receipts can be added by any manager. If you want a crew member to add their receipts, you can give them access by adjusting visibility control.

5. After team members are added go to Project -> Petty Cash to setup the program

6. In the summary section you can enter the amount of petty cash given to the program. At any point you can see how much money was given the project, what was allocated, unallocated, spent and remaining

7. You will see all team members in the project in the list. Against each member the managers can edit how much cash has been given to them

8. If crew members are reporting to anyone, that can be adjusted by editing the “Reports to” column

9. You can also import your categories by importing your budget from the budget tab.

Adding Receipts

  1. If a crew member is using RollCredits, they can add receipts easily through a computer, phone, email or text.

  2. Receipts should be added to the “other expenses” tab.

3. You can add you receipts by taking a picture from your phone, or uploading from your computer, or forwarding them to the email mentioned in the “other expenses” tab

4. Once you’ve added your phone number to the app, you can also text your receipts to +12014093334

3. Once you add the receipts, the AI will automatically read it and do the data entry for you. The AI will read the vendor name, amount, date, address. You can click the review tab to check if everything has been entered correctly. At this point you can also edit the category to assign the expense to a budget line item.

5. Clicking the arrow above a document in the laptop will enlarge it so you can see all the details easily

6. If you wish to add the transactions for a ghost user (i.e. a user who is not using RollCredits but is assigned Petty Cash), you can click “upload for someone else” while uploading the files, and select the user

7. Another way to add documents for another user is to select those transactions and choose “change owner”

Reviewing Petty Cash

  1. At any point during the project the total PC usage can be reviewed by going to Project -> Petty Cash. it will show the updated allocated, unallocated, spent and remaining amount, and details per crew member

Exporting the PC log

  1. During or at the end of the project, the PC log can be exported per crew member and for the overall project

  2. Per crew member PC log can be exported by clicking the 3 dots next to their row and hitting export

3. Overall PC log for the project can be exported by managers by going to the transactions tab, clicking export, and selecting Wrap PDF as export types

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