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Sell extras to guests while booking

Upsell a wine pairing or merchandise while guests book a table

Lea avatar
Written by Lea
Updated over a week ago

You have a fixed menu and want to make sure your guests choose a drinks pairing while booking?

No problem.

Let us show you how to set that up.

When logged in to the main dashboard, choose your restaurant and select the last tab called 'Shop'

By expanding first the tab 'Optional Extra(s)' with the arrow on the right, you will be able to 'Add Extra' with a button.

In the pop-up window, you are able to add any extra you wish, e.g:

- wine pairing

- alc. free drinks pairing

- anything you wish to upsell during booking

Make sure to add a price and description if needed and select the checkbox 'Visible during booking' if you want to enable guests to add the extra during the booking process. If it's unchecked, you can always add those extras via the FOH and have guests pay for those individually.

For better control and a more tailored set-up, follow this article.

Save and you are all done!

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