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Campaign Management
Written by CS Team
Updated over 4 months ago

Campaign Overview

This section contains Campaign Name, Campaign Type, Campaign Status and Status Controls, Day and Campaign Progress.

Days - This Will show how many days this Campaign has been running.

Campaign Progress. You can track the overall progress of each Campaign with those two progress bars and two sets of numbers right above them.

Campaign Progress - Contacts Connected. Tracks how many Campaign Members have you established a connection with. e.g. Campaign has 12 Members. You have only established a Connection with 4 of them. Hence, the progress is 4/12.

Campaign Progres - Messages Sent. Tracks how many messages you have already sent out of the planned number.

NOTE: Campaign Progress is only available for new Campaigns that have been created after the 2.0 Release (25.03.2021).**

Navigation Menu

Here, you will find your campaign members, statistics of that specific campaigns, campaign settings, setting up the message sequence, schedule and integrations.

Campaign Members

Here, you will find all the members in the campaign and their status.

TIP: double click on the contact to see the activity of that specific contact, and some other actions that can be done directly from there.

In the campaign member section, you will find the Search & Filter, and Actions button for your campaign data.

Search & Filter button will display filters to have a better view and search contacts with a specific status.

Actions button will show a list of actions that can be done to the selected contacts. Those actions are mute, unmute, remove from campaign, Re-invite and Withdraw invitation

You can also change the number of contacts to view per page. You can view them by 10, 20, 50 and 100 contacts per page. Find this option at the bottom of the screen.


Find insights like, total members, invite sent, how many connected contacts and more.

NOTE: information in this section may vary depending on the selected campaign.

You can also view the information in a graph.

  1. This option will display all information of the last week, last 14 days and last 30 days.

  2. This option will display information from a date range. You will be able to select a from date and a to date.

  3. This button will reload the graph.

  4. This button will download a CSV file of the statistics from the selected range.

Campaign settings

Here, you will be able to change the campaign name, campaign type and description

Message Sequence

Here, you can configure how many connection requests would you like the campaign to send, and configure the follow ups as well. We do recommend to always stay within the limits.

This section changes depending on the campaign type. In this example, we are using a New Connections campaign.

You can add as many follow ups you wish. To add a new follow up simply click on Add New Follow-Up Message

NOTE: hyperlinks are not allowed in follow-up messages


You can set the campaign to run on a certain schedule. The time set here depends on the timezone set initially when setting up the account. So if you set EST, and you set campaign yo start at 10:00 AM, then the campaign will start at 10:00 AM EST.

You can also set the campaign to run on certain days, or set the campaign to work on a certain hour interval. Keep in mind the campaign runs every three hours by default, and cannot run for less than every three hours.


Here you will be able to add webhooks to your campaign. You can use Zapier or other webhooks. To know how to create a webhook using Zapier, click here.

NOTE: you will be able to add the created webhooks. Meaning, that you need to create the webhook first, and then the webhook will show in the integrations section of the campaign.

You can also Jump to another campaign by going into the upper right corner, and select the desired campaign.

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